Tiny pussie milly satisfies huge cocked lover

Tiny pussie milly satisfies huge cocked lover
Milly had two more clients during the week after school for an hour each. This worked well as Luca could take her straight from school in her uniform and the client could leave work early and still arrive home at the usual time. Both clients treated her well and made it fun.

She had also recruited another 14-year-old girl, Sandy, a pretty blond who played in defence for the soccer team and was also from a single parent family. Her first hook-up with a client went well and she was over the moon with the 250 she made.

By Friday lunchtime, Charley was missing the time she normally spent with her cousin, so asked her to go for a walk down the school fields for a chat.

“You were busy at the weekend and you’ve not had time to chat all week. What’s up?” Charley asked.

“Well, I guess you’re going to find out sooner or later. Promise you won’t think I’m a slut?” Milly asked.

“We’re both sluts, fucking the two boys with the worst reputations in town” Charley replied, laughing.

“It’s much worse than that” Milly said, quietly. “Not counting Luca, I’ve fucked three other guys since Saturday and made 1750 pounds.”

“You’re a hooker!” Charley exclaimed, “and to earn that much, a very high-class hooker!”

Milly explained the new venture Luca was starting and how she had become his partner. Charley was shocked but could not help but laugh.

“So, I’m recruiting new girls” Milly explained. “Are you interested?”

“What? Me be a hooker?” Charley exclaimed, her eyes going wide.

“It’s so naughty and exciting, I’d do it without the money” Milly admitted. “You meet a rich older man in a posh hotel room and fuck his lights out!”

“You’re sex mad!” Charley laughed.

“And?” Milly replied.

“Well, I know I am too, but that’s extreme!” Charley laughed, but she was secretly a bit jealous of her wild younger cousin.

“Are you going to the disco tonight Charley?” Milly asked.

“Sure, Marco didn’t ask me, but there will be plenty of boys there wanting to get in my knickers!” Charlie replied. “Do you get a night off?”

“I don’t have a client booked until tomorrow night, then I have two, one at 7 and one at 9” Milly replied, grinning.

They met up again after school for the return soccer match with St. Virginia’s, known locally as the Virgins. Milly saw Gerry and they both smiled.

The match was closely fought and the score was 2-2 ten minutes before the end. Milly spotted an opening and raised her arm requesting a pass. She controlled the ball as it arrived and instead of flying down the wing as usual, she cut inside Gerry who shouted “Fuck you bitch” as Milly flew past and scored the winning goal.

In the showers after, Gerry went over to an equally naked and wet Milly. “Well done Milly, I’m just going to have to get fitter to catch you!”

“It was the only time I got past you all game, but I couldn’t help laugh at your ‘Fuck you bitch’ curse!” Milly replied. “I thought young ladies from private schools didn’t curse.”

“Unfortunately, our coach didn’t find it as funny, so I got a detention!” Gerry explained, with a grin.

The girls from Gerry’s team had never seen her with a boy, so thought she might prefer girls. Seeing her chatting to Milly one of them shouted “Fancy a bit of rough pussy Gerry?”

“Fuck off!” Gerry shouted, rather too loudly.

“Another detention!” their coach shouted back from the other side of the room. “You really do need to learn to control your mouth Geraldine.”

Milly and Gerry both laughed, then Milly asked “Do you fancy coming to the disco with us tonight or are you going out with those stuck-up bitches?”

“I’d love to. Meet me when we get out of here so we can sort out where and when to meet.” Gerry said.

“Dare you to kiss me and give the Virgins something to talk about?” Milly said with a mischievous grin.

Gerry giggled, put her arms around Milly’s neck, and they kissed passionately, Milly with her arms around Gerry’s waist pulling their naked bodies together.

The girls from St. Hilda’s laughed, all of them used to Milly’s pranks, but the Virgins looked shocked. One shouted “Lezzies!” and Milly replied “We’re bi, why restrict your lovers to only half of the world’s population!”

The Virgin’s coach shouted “Geraldine!”, but was too shocked to say anything else while the St. Hilda’s coach had long ago learned to keep out of the girl’s shower and changing rooms after a match.

When the two new friends met outside, they exchanged contact details via bluetooth and Milly noticed that Gerry’s surname was Fitzgerald, not Jameson, the name her father had used. Milly gave Gerry directions to Charley’s house as she had planned to meet her there. “I usually go up to my cousin’s before we go out. We have a lot of fun trying on clothes and getting ready.”

Later, at 8, Gerry’s Dad dropped her off at Charley’s house without staying after the door opened to let Gerry in. He did get a glimpse of Milly in just her t-shirt and presumably panties, causing him to smile. Milly introduced Gerry to her cousin and they went up to Charley’s bedroom where there were dresses, skirts and tops scattered all over her bed.

They were soon trying on dresses and Gerry quickly realised that both of the dresses she had brought were more suited to a more formal event than a disco which she had never been to before. Charley noticed her concerned look. “Do you want to try on some of ours?”

“Can I? I’ve never been to a real disco before, and I don’t have anything as short as yours anyway.” Gerry explained.

“Help yourself. My sizes are on this side of the bed and Milly’s on the other. You might be somewhere in-between, so just try whatever you fancy and see if it fits. There’s more in the wardrobe too” Charley explained.

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