Headmaster banging Victorias love holes

Victoria is the centre of attention and discovers that caning isn't her Headmaster's only punishment.
Victoria pulled the coarse wollen shirt over her bare bottom with great care. Her buttocks were sore and swollen after a sound hand spanking and six punishing strokes of the Headmaster's favourite cane.
"You do know why it's called the "red skirt of shame" don't you, Blanchard," he asked.
"I have read about it my College Handbook, Sir, but maybe you could refresh my memory please.
I'd hate to accidentally break the rules and get into more trouble, Sir."
"Very well," Dr Lind cleared his throat, keen to talk about his latest and proudest contribution to the field of female discipline.
"Well Blanchard, any student who is the subject of corporal punishment is required to wear the skirt of shame, in place of her own, for a period of 24 hours...."
"Oh.... erm, does that mean I have to wear it in bed Sir?"
If you were listening properly you would have heard me say you have to wear the skirt "in place of your own".
So you do not have to wear it in bed, in the shower, in the swimming pool or anywhere else that you would not normally wear a skirt!
"Erm, yes Sir. I apologise for the interruption." Victoria decided she had better hold her tongue until the Headmaster finished his speech.
"Whilst wearing the skirt any member of the College, be they staff or student may order the girl under punishment to perform a display.
On the command "Display" the girl must turn her back, bend forward as far as she can and raise the back of her skirt beyond her hips, clearly displaying her bare bottom and any injuries she sustained during her well deserved beating."
"Is that clear, Blanchard."
She gulped, "Yes Sir." she replied, without conviction.
"The length of the Display," he continued, "will be one second for each blow received, or ten seconds. Whichever is the greater.
So how long will you be required to Display, Blanchard?"
"Ten seconds, Sir."
"Correct. Now, you need to practice. Display!" He commanded.
Typical, thought Victoria, I've only just covered myself up and he wants me to show him my bare arse again!
Nevertheless, she turned around without hesitation and presented her battered cheeks to her Headmaster.
"One-t-three-for-fiv-six-svn-ay-nine-ten," she counted, before standing and covering up.
"Far too fast, girl! That was no more than four seconds!"
He demonstrated the correct tempo for her count and ordered her "Display" once more.
"That's much better Blanchard. Keep practicing that timing. It was spot on."
"Oh, and Blanchard," he had an afterthought, "Remember to keep your thighs together. I could see everything!"
Victoria reflected on the evening's events as she made her way back to the College.
She felt sore and humiliated, of course but she felt changed too.
She had undressed in front of a man for the first time; allowed him to gaze at every inch of her body; touch her bare bottom; beat her with all his might. And she had overcome it, with her pride intact. She knew she had turned him on - he told her she looked like "a model", "physically attractive" and (what was it?), she sniggered to herself, "well proportioned". Everyone knew what that meant - he loved her tits and arse.
She felt more worldly, more grown up, more confident and more desirable, than the timid girl that had smiled at the buttercups and daisies only an hour ago.
She felt like a woman and she was experiencing adult feelings for the first time. She cherished the thought of Lind making her undress; ordering her to put her hands behind her head to show off her curves; staring at her naked body; laying his hand on her bare arse; displaying her over the trestle; watching her suffer under his cane and then humiliating her one final time - telling her he had seen her virgin slit - before allowing her to leave.
All these memories made her heart pump, her breasts swell, her nipples tighten and her pussy moisten.
And it made all those other feelings. Those deepest, most intimate feelings of sex and arousal much more intense; so much more urgent than she had every experienced under her own hand.
When she reached her dormitory, though, she felt less confident.
She had only arrived at the College a few months ago and the other girls had never made her feel welcome.
She kept herself to herself. She studied hard and followed the rules, but her dormmates decided that she was just a snooty swot.
They didn't bully her, but they didn't offer her their friendship either. Their relationships could best be defined as, perfunctory.
Victoria was certain they would all laugh at her. She had tried to be "Little Miss Perfect", since the day she had arrived and now she had been branded as a cheat and caned across her bare arse. She would be the butt of their jokes for weeks.
She opened the door with trepidation.
"Hey! Here she is!"
They welcomed her like a hero.
They all spoke at once.
"Are you okay?"
"He's a bastard isn't he?"
"Can we see?"
"Do you mean "Display"?" She asked.
"No just let us see."
"We're all girls together aren't we."
"You're not the first one of us to get the whack."
"He'll probably have most of us in the Hell Hole before the end of term."
I seemed that Victoria, had become one of the gang. She wasn't the snooty swotty girl anymore. She was a naughty girl that wasn't afraid to take a chance bend the rules.
She had earned her stripes and now she was going to flip up her skirt and let the girls see them.
"Oooh he got you good didn't he?"
"Only six, though. Could have been worse"
"They're pretty deep though, looks like it was that stiff cane he likes to use?"
"That's right. Is there any blood. I haven't had chance to look in the mirror yet?"
"No Vic. He hasn't even broken the skin. It's gonna sting for a while but you'll be fixed by the end of the week."
"Looks like he made take your knickers off."
"Yeah." she confirmed.
"He always does with the blondes."
"Filthy bastard."
"Remember Charlotte? She was blonde. He made her strip naked then gave her twelve with the riding crop and played with her tits."
"That's disgusting," Victoria was shocked, "why didn't she tell her father? I bet he would have dealt with him."
"Well, if she'd reportred him then she would have had to tell her dad that she'd got caught wanking the night porter for cigarettes. Then she really would have been in trouble!"
"And that's how he gets away with it..."
The girls excited chatter continued.
Claudette spoke quietly in Victoria's ear. "I'm sorry you got cane, Vicky. Was it my fault?"
"No, Miss Browning just saw me look at your paper. You couldn't have done anything about it."
"Oh well, I'm pleased anyway.
Just wait there, I've got some cream that will take the edge off that sting.
It helped me when he spanked me over my panties for talking in assembly."
Victoria smiled.
She had a friend at last.
When classes commenced the next morning, Victoria found that she suddenly had lots of friends!
Her red skirt was designed to draw attention to its wearer and it certainly did.
Every girl in the College seemed to have a snigger, a sarcastic remark or joke to make at Blanchard's expense.
Most were good humoured. "Spankhard" soon became her new nickname, which even Victoria thought was funny. But other students were mean and spiteful, in the way that only teenage girls can be. Fortunately, for Victoria her new, loyal army of dormmates were ready and able to defend her against anyone who overstepped the mark!
She had never felt so popular.
But, of course there was nothing her friends could do about Miss Browning. It was her that had reported Victoria for cheating, in her French test, and she treated the whole episode with the upmost seriousness.
She made her stand at the front of the class in the shaming garment, whilst she lectured the girls on the evils of dishonesty.
She spoke at great length and concluded the sermon by ordering Victoria to stand on her desk and "Display" herself "sans culotte".
It was the most embarrassing moment of the day and she took special care to keep her thighs tight together.
The rest of the day was a bit of a giggle after that, though.
All the other students had seen her striped bum by now and she had already heard all the jokes. So she could just enjoy her moment in the spotlight and laugh along with everybody else.
The biggest laugh was when her friends dragged her down to the Porters Lodge and made her "Display" in front of Parker and Reilly. The two men were old enough to be her father - maybe even her grandfather!
They were familiar with the ritual, but it was one they always enjoyed. "Very nice Miss," they shouted giving her a round of applause. They had both been at the College for many years and must have seen some of grandest bums in the realm by now!
It was the gardeners' turn next and it wasn't just their seedlings that were sprouting when Victoria put on her show. She even got "wolf whistles" from a couple of the apprentices.
Whoever would have thought it!
Later that evening, Victoria knocked on the Ice House door once more.
It was as cold and foreboding as she remembered with the flickering candles throwing long shadows across the domed chamber.
There were same few pieces of furniture. The desk & leather chair, where Dr Lind had berated her. The straight back wooden chair, where he had put her over his knee and spanked her bare arse. And the trestle where had bent her like a jack knife and caned her with all his might.
He was here again - sitting in precisely the same spot, in front of his fearsome collection of canes, switches, sticks and who knows what!
In fact the only thing that differed from last night were the two items hanging from the coat hooks - Victoria's own skirt and knickers. She would be getting those clothes back as soon as she had completed the formalities and satisfied her Headmaster that he had successfully taught her the error of her ways.
Just like last night Lind got straight down to business, "Let's get on with it Blanchard. Skirt off and over my knee for inspection."
This wasn't quite what Victoria had expected, but it was no shock that he was getting her out of her clothes at the earliest opportunity. The only surprise was that she still had her top on!
"Well, I see you're still well marked from my ministrations."
"Yes Sir, I understand I have six bright red stripes all perfectly parallel and evenly spaced across the target area." She offered, in a blatant attempt at flattery.
He stroked her smooth naked bottom.
She was surprised to find that she enjoyed his touch. Naughty and sexy. Stirring her loins once more.
He ran a thumb over the reddest of her welts.
"Ouch! Ooo that one's still sore, Sir."
"Very good. It would seem that you have been adequately punished for cheating during your French lesson yesterday."
"Thank you, Sir. I sincerely believe I have, Sir. I will not make the same mistake again."
Surely that would be the end of it...
He remained silent, deep in thought as he continued to stoke her delicious bottom, allowing his fingers to roam more freely - finding their way into the secret cleft between her cheeks.
She remained silent too.
Not knowing what was going to happen next.
Keeping her bottom still and her breathing steady as his hand continued its rude, teasing exploration.
"What time did you arrive for our appointment this evening?" was the unexpected question that finally broke the silence.
"Oh, erm, er, well..." she struggled to find her words - her diction teacher would be horrified. "I wasn't wearing a watch, Sir but I knew our appointment was for 7.30 Sir, so I set off from the tennis courts at 7 o'clock to make sure I was here in good time, Sir."
He continued to stroke.
No, they were more than strokes.
They were caresses now moving and they were moving towards her....
Oh, no surely he wasn't going to touch her... there....
"And did you come here directly, or were you distracted or diverted along the way?" he asked with cool indifference.
Where was he going with these questions?
Where was he going with his hands?
Why hadn't he released her yet?
Victoria was scared and confused.
She just wanted to get out of there.
Honestly is the best policy, or so they say. Don't try to make anything up.
Just tell the truth and it will all be over.
"Well Sir, I must admit I was a little distracted by the lovely birds in the woods.
The magpies were nesting and I think it must have been Mr Magpie that kept flitting away from the beech tree and coming back with sticks in his beak. He was really clever how he worked them into the nest.
I guess Mrs Magpie will be laying her eggs soon.
I hope I get the chance to pop down and look at her baby chicks."
It was all true, but she thought she'd better miss out the bit where she spotted the magpies while she was squatting behind a bush for a pee.
Fortunately Mr Magpie didn't take a fancy to any of the bushy nesting material between her legs...
He was still in thought.
This couldn't be good.
"Our appointment was for 7.28pm.
You arrived at 7.40pm.
Twelve minutes late..."
"Oh. Please accept my apologies Sir as I said, I wasn't wearing a watch. I had no idea, Sir."
"Twelve minutes late," he repeated, ignoring Victoria's interruption. He wasn't interested in her explanation, he had decided her fate and he would tell her in his own good time.
"While you were enjoying your lovely little nature study, I was sat here in this cold, damp, dark, little room, waiting for you to honour me with your presence."
"Oh Si..."
He raised his hand to silence her.
"I have far more important things to do than to waste my time waiting for an ill mannered student who fails to offer me the simple courtesy of punctuality. It is particularly insulting when, only 24 hours earlier, in this very room, that student had earnestly promised me that she would "endeavour to maintain the high standards expected of a Helliwell Lady."
Oh shit.
Shit, shit, shit.
That was exactly what she had said and now he was using it against her.
Victoria knew she was in deep trouble.
"Twelve minutes late, earns you twelve strokes of the cane!" he declared, with the enthusiasm of a gameshow host.
Slap! He started to spank her arse just like last night, but with a little more intimacy.
"Despite your insulting behaviour, I am not a barbarian, I won't cane your bottom until it's ready. I shall warm your flesh properly before delivering your punishment."
Victoria could have wept.
It wasn't all over.
Twelve more with that awful cane, tonight.
Another day in that stupid skirt, tomorrow.
And heaven knows what will happen to her when she comes back tomorrow evening to try to regain her own clothes!
Bloody hell, these spanks felt so much worse than last night.
The angry spanks were reigniting all the pain within the scars and welts from last night's thrashing.
The clap of the next blow was immediately drowned out by screams, as Victoria abandoned her dignity and surrendered to her torture.
One more crack and she was in tears.
Lind stilled his hand.
Not out of sympathy for his victim, but because there was no point continuing her punishment now she was in too much pain to "feel the benefit" of an additional dozen whacks from his cane.
"That will be all for this evening." he told her. "We will resume tomorrow, when your welts have had sufficient time to heal. I will expect you to report at 7.56 pm precisely."
"Thank you, Sir."
She climbed off his lap and rubbed her battered bottom with both hands trying to assuage her pain. She was still facing her Headmaster and she knew she was exposing herself, allowing him a clear view of her cunt, but she didn't care. He had already seen it and in fact the whole College had had a good look at the nether regions today. She was beyond shame. She didn't mind what he saw - just as long as he didn't try to whack it!
It was a while before she felt able to speak and when she did she opted for the kind of sycophancy that he seemed to enjoy. She wanted to get the whole thing over with as quickly and as painlessly as possible
"Sir, once again, I must apologise for my great dicourtesy in failing to arrive for our appointment at the agreed hour. I know I thoroughly deserve my punishment and you are most kind in postponing my caning until my body is more able to tolerate it.
However, I believe that discipline is considered to be most effective if it is applied promptly after an act of misconduct.
Is there perhaps some other form of equally severe chastisement that you might dispense this evening, to better improve my behaviour?
I would hate to think that I am forcing you to traipse out here, yet again tomorrow, just to deal with my foolishness."
She didn't know what kind of punishment he might consider an appropriate alternative to the caning he had planned, but she had to try. This might be her last chance to avoid those 12 wicked strokes.
Perhaps she'd get a huge detention, or a million lines, or be made to write a lengthy essay explaining what a thoroughly bad person she was. Who knew? But whatever he came up with it had to be better than the thrashing.
Lind stroked his chin, he was intrigued by Victoria's suggestion. He did enjoy caning the bare bottoms of nubile, high born, pretty young ladies, but maybe there was the chance of something more this evening.
He was a calculating man and he sensed the opportunity to replace her corporal punishment with a penalty of a more carnal variety.
"Tell me Blanchard, do you know the meaning of the word, "fellatio"?" he asked.
"Er no Sir. It sounds like Latin to me, but that's too difficult for girls." (This wasn't just more sycophancy - it was the accepted wisdom of the age.)
"Well let me explain.
I'm sure you are aware of the roles played by males and females during sexual congress."
"Well yes Sir," she blushed and whispered, "I know how babies are made."
He continued, he was going to explain anyway.
"During the act, the male inserts his penis into the female's vagina. Both parties find this pleasurable. Once the penis has been sufficiently stimulated the male ejaculates his semen inside the female.
Fellatio is similar, but the females mouth takes the place of her vagina."
"You mean the man puts his er, penis into the woman's mouth and squirts his stuff in there?"
"Yes, Blanchard."
"Oh." she was taken aback.
"I thought that was just a filthy story that someone had made up, or one of those things that whores and prostitutes do."
"Well, I don't know anything about prostitutes, but it is a real thing and there's quite a history of ladies doing it to satisfy their husbands at times when they don't want to have sex with them. Or they might do it as a special treat or to get a favour or maybe to quell his anger when they know they've done something wrong and want to avoid a hard punishment."
"Really? I didn't know that."
"Yes really. It's very common. It's important skill for a wife. You'll probably find your mother will have done it and her mother before her."
That was a mental image that Victoria didn't want!
She wondered why Lind was telling her about such a depraved act - and then the "penny dropped".
"So Sir are you saying that instead of caning me you might fellatio me instead?"
"I am suggesting that I could help you prepare for married life by giving you a private lesson in the art of fellatio. If you were sufficiently diligent in your studies then I could be willing forego your caning."
So that was the deal.
If she sucked his cock, he'd let her off.
If she refused, it was 12 strokes of the cane, on her bare arse, tomorrow, and she knew he liked to cane hard!
Both options were horrible, but only one might help her manipulate her future husband and, more importantly, spare her arse.
Her decision was made.
"I'm ready for my lesson, please Sir."
It was inevitable that the lesson would start with Victoria stripping naked.
She knew her Headmaster would want to see her tits again, even if he did say he was just trying to keep her clothes clean.
Next he made her kneel before him. The stone floor was so cold and hard that she briefly forgot about the base and degrading act Lind was about to demand from her.
However, he regained her full and undivided attention, when he instructed her to unfasten his trousers.
She nervously unhooked his think, black, leather belt and her trembling hands then went to work fumbling to release the buttons of his fly. The task was made all the harder because his erect manly staff was pushing the fabric taut and tight.
After a few minutes struggle, she succeeded in releasing the final fastening and peeled Lind's trousers down to his knees.
The stiff, self important Headmaster cut a comic figure. Standing smartly with his trousers at half mast, revealing his skinny, white thighs and tented black shorts, desperately awaiting the intimate attention of the pretty naked young lady at his knees.
Victoria wasn't laughing, though, she was giving this new and bizarre experience her full concentration.
There was nothing attractive about his shorts and she looked away, pulling a face, as she eased them forward over Lind's tumescent horn, and down past his buttocks onto his thighs.
He shivered when he felt the cold air on his cock. He was a lucky man who had successfully trapped a vulnerable, beautiful girl in his private lair. However he was also an arrogant man who chose to credit his success to his superior intellect and cunning.
The girl looked at his cock. It was the first one she'd seen in real life. It was longer than expected, a little thinner than she had anticipated and slightly curved.
It wasn't attractive in any way although she did find it strangely exciting. It would be the centre of her universe for the next few minutes.
She pushed out her tongue to investigate this mysterious male member. It discovered a small slimy, salty bulb of liquid. It licked it away and encountered the tender flesh of a squashy head with a hole that as wide as a knitting needle and tasted of piss. Beyond the head, was the smooth hard shaft of the phallus.
The Headmaster sighed with pleasure. It was a long time since a women had done this for him.
And Victoria was going to do it.
She had no choice.
Licked her lips and steeled herself.
Would it fit?
Yes it would.
It did.
She took no more than an inch until she got used to it.
Easing him in and breathing through her nose.
"Oh my God," he whispered.
Wholly inappropriate language for a man of his position, but wholly appropriate for a man in his position - impaling the pretty youthful face at his crotch.
"Look at me," he told her.
She did as she was told.
Wide eyed and wide mouthed, she was a vision of sexual submission.
Lind decided to take her, thrusting his hips, driving his member deeper into her virgin mouth.
Instinct "kicked in" and Victoria began to suck the intruder, massaging its underside with her wet tongue.
It was one of Lind's greatest fantasies and it had come true.
It was happening.
It was happening now.
And it was marvellous.
He hadn't been with a woman for a long time and this was all too much. His balls drew in and breath ragged.
Victoria knew something was about to happen, but was still taken by surprise when Lind's first and most powerful spurt hit her the back of her throat.
She gagged, spluttered and pulled away coughing.
"Oh no. I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting that.
Put it back in."
The Headmaster declined. It was too late. He had shot his entire load and it was smeared over Victoria's face and chest.
She looked about herself at the unexpected mess.
"Do you have a towel?" she asked, not bothering to address him as "Sir".
"No." he laughed.
"So what am I supposed to do with this?" She wiped some spunk off her shoulder.
"You're supposed to swallow it. All of it."
She has already taken the portion that went into her mouth, so she had no fear of the taste and started to lick more from her fingers.
"Not like that. It's better if you lick it straight off."
She obeyed like a good girl, putting her tongue out as far as she could and licking around her mouth.
"Now do your tits."
She lifted hoisted them with her hands, bent her head and lowered her tongue lapping the man's seed from her glorious breasts.
Lind had never seen anything better.
The Headmaster restored his clothing whilst the young student remained on her knees.
"That was a creditable effort for your first time Blanchard."
It wasn't the highest of praise.
"Oh, Sir I hope I didn't disappoint you.
Are you still angry? Will you still need to cane me?" she asked quietly. "I can try again if you're not satisfied."
He was a man of his word and he wasn't sure he could do it again anyway.
"No I think you have provided a satisfactory exhibition of your obedience. I will not need to cane you on this occasion."
"Thank you, Sir.
Might I be permitted to dress now please? It's getting rather cold down here, Sir."
"Yes, if course." He'd forgotten she was still nude. He'd got so used to seeing her without her clothes."
"Sir," she asked as she pulled her knickers on. "Was I good? I mean the fellatio. Did I do it right? I don't think I was supposed to make such a big mess, was I? I hope you don't think it's common of me to ask such a question."
"It was a good attempt for your first time, Blanchard." he reassured her.
It is always better if the female can take it all in her mouth and swallow it straight down, but most girls struggle until they've had more practice."
"Oh. I wasn't awful then?"
"No, if I was going to give you a grade for that lesson then I think I'd give you a "C"."
Victoria was disappointed.
She had never had a grade "C" before. She almost always scored "A"s and never got anything worse than a "B".
"But I could improve that grade I had more practice?" She always wanted to be the best and she would love to please her husband with a grade "A" performance when the time came.
"Yes, I'm sure you could improve with practice, if you could find a teacher and a classroom."
He left it at that until she was fully dressed.
"Remember to keep that uniform smart Blanchard. There might be a snap inspection next Tuesday. You wouldn't want to get in trouble and end up back here, with me again would you?"
Victoria pulled the coarse wollen shirt over her bare bottom with great care. Her buttocks were sore and swollen after a sound hand spanking and six punishing strokes of the Headmaster's favourite cane.
"You do know why it's called the "red skirt of shame" don't you, Blanchard," he asked.
"I have read about it my College Handbook, Sir, but maybe you could refresh my memory please.
I'd hate to accidentally break the rules and get into more trouble, Sir."
"Very well," Dr Lind cleared his throat, keen to talk about his latest and proudest contribution to the field of female discipline.
"Well Blanchard, any student who is the subject of corporal punishment is required to wear the skirt of shame, in place of her own, for a period of 24 hours...."
"Oh.... erm, does that mean I have to wear it in bed Sir?"
If you were listening properly you would have heard me say you have to wear the skirt "in place of your own".
So you do not have to wear it in bed, in the shower, in the swimming pool or anywhere else that you would not normally wear a skirt!
"Erm, yes Sir. I apologise for the interruption." Victoria decided she had better hold her tongue until the Headmaster finished his speech.
"Whilst wearing the skirt any member of the College, be they staff or student may order the girl under punishment to perform a display.
On the command "Display" the girl must turn her back, bend forward as far as she can and raise the back of her skirt beyond her hips, clearly displaying her bare bottom and any injuries she sustained during her well deserved beating."
"Is that clear, Blanchard."
She gulped, "Yes Sir." she replied, without conviction.
"The length of the Display," he continued, "will be one second for each blow received, or ten seconds. Whichever is the greater.
So how long will you be required to Display, Blanchard?"
"Ten seconds, Sir."
"Correct. Now, you need to practice. Display!" He commanded.
Typical, thought Victoria, I've only just covered myself up and he wants me to show him my bare arse again!
Nevertheless, she turned around without hesitation and presented her battered cheeks to her Headmaster.
"One-t-three-for-fiv-six-svn-ay-nine-ten," she counted, before standing and covering up.
"Far too fast, girl! That was no more than four seconds!"
He demonstrated the correct tempo for her count and ordered her "Display" once more.
"That's much better Blanchard. Keep practicing that timing. It was spot on."
"Oh, and Blanchard," he had an afterthought, "Remember to keep your thighs together. I could see everything!"
Victoria reflected on the evening's events as she made her way back to the College.
She felt sore and humiliated, of course but she felt changed too.
She had undressed in front of a man for the first time; allowed him to gaze at every inch of her body; touch her bare bottom; beat her with all his might. And she had overcome it, with her pride intact. She knew she had turned him on - he told her she looked like "a model", "physically attractive" and (what was it?), she sniggered to herself, "well proportioned". Everyone knew what that meant - he loved her tits and arse.
She felt more worldly, more grown up, more confident and more desirable, than the timid girl that had smiled at the buttercups and daisies only an hour ago.
She felt like a woman and she was experiencing adult feelings for the first time. She cherished the thought of Lind making her undress; ordering her to put her hands behind her head to show off her curves; staring at her naked body; laying his hand on her bare arse; displaying her over the trestle; watching her suffer under his cane and then humiliating her one final time - telling her he had seen her virgin slit - before allowing her to leave.
All these memories made her heart pump, her breasts swell, her nipples tighten and her pussy moisten.
And it made all those other feelings. Those deepest, most intimate feelings of sex and arousal much more intense; so much more urgent than she had every experienced under her own hand.
When she reached her dormitory, though, she felt less confident.
She had only arrived at the College a few months ago and the other girls had never made her feel welcome.
She kept herself to herself. She studied hard and followed the rules, but her dormmates decided that she was just a snooty swot.
They didn't bully her, but they didn't offer her their friendship either. Their relationships could best be defined as, perfunctory.
Victoria was certain they would all laugh at her. She had tried to be "Little Miss Perfect", since the day she had arrived and now she had been branded as a cheat and caned across her bare arse. She would be the butt of their jokes for weeks.
She opened the door with trepidation.
"Hey! Here she is!"
They welcomed her like a hero.
They all spoke at once.
"Are you okay?"
"He's a bastard isn't he?"
"Can we see?"
"Do you mean "Display"?" She asked.
"No just let us see."
"We're all girls together aren't we."
"You're not the first one of us to get the whack."
"He'll probably have most of us in the Hell Hole before the end of term."
I seemed that Victoria, had become one of the gang. She wasn't the snooty swotty girl anymore. She was a naughty girl that wasn't afraid to take a chance bend the rules.
She had earned her stripes and now she was going to flip up her skirt and let the girls see them.
"Oooh he got you good didn't he?"
"Only six, though. Could have been worse"
"They're pretty deep though, looks like it was that stiff cane he likes to use?"
"That's right. Is there any blood. I haven't had chance to look in the mirror yet?"
"No Vic. He hasn't even broken the skin. It's gonna sting for a while but you'll be fixed by the end of the week."
"Looks like he made take your knickers off."
"Yeah." she confirmed.
"He always does with the blondes."
"Filthy bastard."
"Remember Charlotte? She was blonde. He made her strip naked then gave her twelve with the riding crop and played with her tits."
"That's disgusting," Victoria was shocked, "why didn't she tell her father? I bet he would have dealt with him."
"Well, if she'd reportred him then she would have had to tell her dad that she'd got caught wanking the night porter for cigarettes. Then she really would have been in trouble!"
"And that's how he gets away with it..."
The girls excited chatter continued.
Claudette spoke quietly in Victoria's ear. "I'm sorry you got cane, Vicky. Was it my fault?"
"No, Miss Browning just saw me look at your paper. You couldn't have done anything about it."
"Oh well, I'm pleased anyway.
Just wait there, I've got some cream that will take the edge off that sting.
It helped me when he spanked me over my panties for talking in assembly."
Victoria smiled.
She had a friend at last.
When classes commenced the next morning, Victoria found that she suddenly had lots of friends!
Her red skirt was designed to draw attention to its wearer and it certainly did.
Every girl in the College seemed to have a snigger, a sarcastic remark or joke to make at Blanchard's expense.
Most were good humoured. "Spankhard" soon became her new nickname, which even Victoria thought was funny. But other students were mean and spiteful, in the way that only teenage girls can be. Fortunately, for Victoria her new, loyal army of dormmates were ready and able to defend her against anyone who overstepped the mark!
She had never felt so popular.
But, of course there was nothing her friends could do about Miss Browning. It was her that had reported Victoria for cheating, in her French test, and she treated the whole episode with the upmost seriousness.
She made her stand at the front of the class in the shaming garment, whilst she lectured the girls on the evils of dishonesty.
She spoke at great length and concluded the sermon by ordering Victoria to stand on her desk and "Display" herself "sans culotte".
It was the most embarrassing moment of the day and she took special care to keep her thighs tight together.
The rest of the day was a bit of a giggle after that, though.
All the other students had seen her striped bum by now and she had already heard all the jokes. So she could just enjoy her moment in the spotlight and laugh along with everybody else.
The biggest laugh was when her friends dragged her down to the Porters Lodge and made her "Display" in front of Parker and Reilly. The two men were old enough to be her father - maybe even her grandfather!
They were familiar with the ritual, but it was one they always enjoyed. "Very nice Miss," they shouted giving her a round of applause. They had both been at the College for many years and must have seen some of grandest bums in the realm by now!
It was the gardeners' turn next and it wasn't just their seedlings that were sprouting when Victoria put on her show. She even got "wolf whistles" from a couple of the apprentices.
Whoever would have thought it!
Later that evening, Victoria knocked on the Ice House door once more.
It was as cold and foreboding as she remembered with the flickering candles throwing long shadows across the domed chamber.
There were same few pieces of furniture. The desk & leather chair, where Dr Lind had berated her. The straight back wooden chair, where he had put her over his knee and spanked her bare arse. And the trestle where had bent her like a jack knife and caned her with all his might.
He was here again - sitting in precisely the same spot, in front of his fearsome collection of canes, switches, sticks and who knows what!
In fact the only thing that differed from last night were the two items hanging from the coat hooks - Victoria's own skirt and knickers. She would be getting those clothes back as soon as she had completed the formalities and satisfied her Headmaster that he had successfully taught her the error of her ways.
Just like last night Lind got straight down to business, "Let's get on with it Blanchard. Skirt off and over my knee for inspection."
This wasn't quite what Victoria had expected, but it was no shock that he was getting her out of her clothes at the earliest opportunity. The only surprise was that she still had her top on!
"Well, I see you're still well marked from my ministrations."
"Yes Sir, I understand I have six bright red stripes all perfectly parallel and evenly spaced across the target area." She offered, in a blatant attempt at flattery.
He stroked her smooth naked bottom.
She was surprised to find that she enjoyed his touch. Naughty and sexy. Stirring her loins once more.
He ran a thumb over the reddest of her welts.
"Ouch! Ooo that one's still sore, Sir."
"Very good. It would seem that you have been adequately punished for cheating during your French lesson yesterday."
"Thank you, Sir. I sincerely believe I have, Sir. I will not make the same mistake again."
Surely that would be the end of it...
He remained silent, deep in thought as he continued to stoke her delicious bottom, allowing his fingers to roam more freely - finding their way into the secret cleft between her cheeks.
She remained silent too.
Not knowing what was going to happen next.
Keeping her bottom still and her breathing steady as his hand continued its rude, teasing exploration.
"What time did you arrive for our appointment this evening?" was the unexpected question that finally broke the silence.
"Oh, erm, er, well..." she struggled to find her words - her diction teacher would be horrified. "I wasn't wearing a watch, Sir but I knew our appointment was for 7.30 Sir, so I set off from the tennis courts at 7 o'clock to make sure I was here in good time, Sir."
He continued to stroke.
No, they were more than strokes.
They were caresses now moving and they were moving towards her....
Oh, no surely he wasn't going to touch her... there....
"And did you come here directly, or were you distracted or diverted along the way?" he asked with cool indifference.
Where was he going with these questions?
Where was he going with his hands?
Why hadn't he released her yet?
Victoria was scared and confused.
She just wanted to get out of there.
Honestly is the best policy, or so they say. Don't try to make anything up.
Just tell the truth and it will all be over.
"Well Sir, I must admit I was a little distracted by the lovely birds in the woods.
The magpies were nesting and I think it must have been Mr Magpie that kept flitting away from the beech tree and coming back with sticks in his beak. He was really clever how he worked them into the nest.
I guess Mrs Magpie will be laying her eggs soon.
I hope I get the chance to pop down and look at her baby chicks."
It was all true, but she thought she'd better miss out the bit where she spotted the magpies while she was squatting behind a bush for a pee.
Fortunately Mr Magpie didn't take a fancy to any of the bushy nesting material between her legs...
He was still in thought.
This couldn't be good.
"Our appointment was for 7.28pm.
You arrived at 7.40pm.
Twelve minutes late..."
"Oh. Please accept my apologies Sir as I said, I wasn't wearing a watch. I had no idea, Sir."
"Twelve minutes late," he repeated, ignoring Victoria's interruption. He wasn't interested in her explanation, he had decided her fate and he would tell her in his own good time.
"While you were enjoying your lovely little nature study, I was sat here in this cold, damp, dark, little room, waiting for you to honour me with your presence."
"Oh Si..."
He raised his hand to silence her.
"I have far more important things to do than to waste my time waiting for an ill mannered student who fails to offer me the simple courtesy of punctuality. It is particularly insulting when, only 24 hours earlier, in this very room, that student had earnestly promised me that she would "endeavour to maintain the high standards expected of a Helliwell Lady."
Oh shit.
Shit, shit, shit.
That was exactly what she had said and now he was using it against her.
Victoria knew she was in deep trouble.
"Twelve minutes late, earns you twelve strokes of the cane!" he declared, with the enthusiasm of a gameshow host.
Slap! He started to spank her arse just like last night, but with a little more intimacy.
"Despite your insulting behaviour, I am not a barbarian, I won't cane your bottom until it's ready. I shall warm your flesh properly before delivering your punishment."
Victoria could have wept.
It wasn't all over.
Twelve more with that awful cane, tonight.
Another day in that stupid skirt, tomorrow.
And heaven knows what will happen to her when she comes back tomorrow evening to try to regain her own clothes!
Bloody hell, these spanks felt so much worse than last night.
The angry spanks were reigniting all the pain within the scars and welts from last night's thrashing.
The clap of the next blow was immediately drowned out by screams, as Victoria abandoned her dignity and surrendered to her torture.
One more crack and she was in tears.
Lind stilled his hand.
Not out of sympathy for his victim, but because there was no point continuing her punishment now she was in too much pain to "feel the benefit" of an additional dozen whacks from his cane.
"That will be all for this evening." he told her. "We will resume tomorrow, when your welts have had sufficient time to heal. I will expect you to report at 7.56 pm precisely."
"Thank you, Sir."
She climbed off his lap and rubbed her battered bottom with both hands trying to assuage her pain. She was still facing her Headmaster and she knew she was exposing herself, allowing him a clear view of her cunt, but she didn't care. He had already seen it and in fact the whole College had had a good look at the nether regions today. She was beyond shame. She didn't mind what he saw - just as long as he didn't try to whack it!
It was a while before she felt able to speak and when she did she opted for the kind of sycophancy that he seemed to enjoy. She wanted to get the whole thing over with as quickly and as painlessly as possible
"Sir, once again, I must apologise for my great dicourtesy in failing to arrive for our appointment at the agreed hour. I know I thoroughly deserve my punishment and you are most kind in postponing my caning until my body is more able to tolerate it.
However, I believe that discipline is considered to be most effective if it is applied promptly after an act of misconduct.
Is there perhaps some other form of equally severe chastisement that you might dispense this evening, to better improve my behaviour?
I would hate to think that I am forcing you to traipse out here, yet again tomorrow, just to deal with my foolishness."
She didn't know what kind of punishment he might consider an appropriate alternative to the caning he had planned, but she had to try. This might be her last chance to avoid those 12 wicked strokes.
Perhaps she'd get a huge detention, or a million lines, or be made to write a lengthy essay explaining what a thoroughly bad person she was. Who knew? But whatever he came up with it had to be better than the thrashing.
Lind stroked his chin, he was intrigued by Victoria's suggestion. He did enjoy caning the bare bottoms of nubile, high born, pretty young ladies, but maybe there was the chance of something more this evening.
He was a calculating man and he sensed the opportunity to replace her corporal punishment with a penalty of a more carnal variety.
"Tell me Blanchard, do you know the meaning of the word, "fellatio"?" he asked.
"Er no Sir. It sounds like Latin to me, but that's too difficult for girls." (This wasn't just more sycophancy - it was the accepted wisdom of the age.)
"Well let me explain.
I'm sure you are aware of the roles played by males and females during sexual congress."
"Well yes Sir," she blushed and whispered, "I know how babies are made."
He continued, he was going to explain anyway.
"During the act, the male inserts his penis into the female's vagina. Both parties find this pleasurable. Once the penis has been sufficiently stimulated the male ejaculates his semen inside the female.
Fellatio is similar, but the females mouth takes the place of her vagina."
"You mean the man puts his er, penis into the woman's mouth and squirts his stuff in there?"
"Yes, Blanchard."
"Oh." she was taken aback.
"I thought that was just a filthy story that someone had made up, or one of those things that whores and prostitutes do."
"Well, I don't know anything about prostitutes, but it is a real thing and there's quite a history of ladies doing it to satisfy their husbands at times when they don't want to have sex with them. Or they might do it as a special treat or to get a favour or maybe to quell his anger when they know they've done something wrong and want to avoid a hard punishment."
"Really? I didn't know that."
"Yes really. It's very common. It's important skill for a wife. You'll probably find your mother will have done it and her mother before her."
That was a mental image that Victoria didn't want!
She wondered why Lind was telling her about such a depraved act - and then the "penny dropped".
"So Sir are you saying that instead of caning me you might fellatio me instead?"
"I am suggesting that I could help you prepare for married life by giving you a private lesson in the art of fellatio. If you were sufficiently diligent in your studies then I could be willing forego your caning."
So that was the deal.
If she sucked his cock, he'd let her off.
If she refused, it was 12 strokes of the cane, on her bare arse, tomorrow, and she knew he liked to cane hard!
Both options were horrible, but only one might help her manipulate her future husband and, more importantly, spare her arse.
Her decision was made.
"I'm ready for my lesson, please Sir."
It was inevitable that the lesson would start with Victoria stripping naked.
She knew her Headmaster would want to see her tits again, even if he did say he was just trying to keep her clothes clean.
Next he made her kneel before him. The stone floor was so cold and hard that she briefly forgot about the base and degrading act Lind was about to demand from her.
However, he regained her full and undivided attention, when he instructed her to unfasten his trousers.
She nervously unhooked his think, black, leather belt and her trembling hands then went to work fumbling to release the buttons of his fly. The task was made all the harder because his erect manly staff was pushing the fabric taut and tight.
After a few minutes struggle, she succeeded in releasing the final fastening and peeled Lind's trousers down to his knees.
The stiff, self important Headmaster cut a comic figure. Standing smartly with his trousers at half mast, revealing his skinny, white thighs and tented black shorts, desperately awaiting the intimate attention of the pretty naked young lady at his knees.
Victoria wasn't laughing, though, she was giving this new and bizarre experience her full concentration.
There was nothing attractive about his shorts and she looked away, pulling a face, as she eased them forward over Lind's tumescent horn, and down past his buttocks onto his thighs.
He shivered when he felt the cold air on his cock. He was a lucky man who had successfully trapped a vulnerable, beautiful girl in his private lair. However he was also an arrogant man who chose to credit his success to his superior intellect and cunning.
The girl looked at his cock. It was the first one she'd seen in real life. It was longer than expected, a little thinner than she had anticipated and slightly curved.
It wasn't attractive in any way although she did find it strangely exciting. It would be the centre of her universe for the next few minutes.
She pushed out her tongue to investigate this mysterious male member. It discovered a small slimy, salty bulb of liquid. It licked it away and encountered the tender flesh of a squashy head with a hole that as wide as a knitting needle and tasted of piss. Beyond the head, was the smooth hard shaft of the phallus.
The Headmaster sighed with pleasure. It was a long time since a women had done this for him.
And Victoria was going to do it.
She had no choice.
Licked her lips and steeled herself.
Would it fit?
Yes it would.
It did.
She took no more than an inch until she got used to it.
Easing him in and breathing through her nose.
"Oh my God," he whispered.
Wholly inappropriate language for a man of his position, but wholly appropriate for a man in his position - impaling the pretty youthful face at his crotch.
"Look at me," he told her.
She did as she was told.
Wide eyed and wide mouthed, she was a vision of sexual submission.
Lind decided to take her, thrusting his hips, driving his member deeper into her virgin mouth.
Instinct "kicked in" and Victoria began to suck the intruder, massaging its underside with her wet tongue.
It was one of Lind's greatest fantasies and it had come true.
It was happening.
It was happening now.
And it was marvellous.
He hadn't been with a woman for a long time and this was all too much. His balls drew in and breath ragged.
Victoria knew something was about to happen, but was still taken by surprise when Lind's first and most powerful spurt hit her the back of her throat.
She gagged, spluttered and pulled away coughing.
"Oh no. I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting that.
Put it back in."
The Headmaster declined. It was too late. He had shot his entire load and it was smeared over Victoria's face and chest.
She looked about herself at the unexpected mess.
"Do you have a towel?" she asked, not bothering to address him as "Sir".
"No." he laughed.
"So what am I supposed to do with this?" She wiped some spunk off her shoulder.
"You're supposed to swallow it. All of it."
She has already taken the portion that went into her mouth, so she had no fear of the taste and started to lick more from her fingers.
"Not like that. It's better if you lick it straight off."
She obeyed like a good girl, putting her tongue out as far as she could and licking around her mouth.
"Now do your tits."
She lifted hoisted them with her hands, bent her head and lowered her tongue lapping the man's seed from her glorious breasts.
Lind had never seen anything better.
The Headmaster restored his clothing whilst the young student remained on her knees.
"That was a creditable effort for your first time Blanchard."
It wasn't the highest of praise.
"Oh, Sir I hope I didn't disappoint you.
Are you still angry? Will you still need to cane me?" she asked quietly. "I can try again if you're not satisfied."
He was a man of his word and he wasn't sure he could do it again anyway.
"No I think you have provided a satisfactory exhibition of your obedience. I will not need to cane you on this occasion."
"Thank you, Sir.
Might I be permitted to dress now please? It's getting rather cold down here, Sir."
"Yes, if course." He'd forgotten she was still nude. He'd got so used to seeing her without her clothes."
"Sir," she asked as she pulled her knickers on. "Was I good? I mean the fellatio. Did I do it right? I don't think I was supposed to make such a big mess, was I? I hope you don't think it's common of me to ask such a question."
"It was a good attempt for your first time, Blanchard." he reassured her.
It is always better if the female can take it all in her mouth and swallow it straight down, but most girls struggle until they've had more practice."
"Oh. I wasn't awful then?"
"No, if I was going to give you a grade for that lesson then I think I'd give you a "C"."
Victoria was disappointed.
She had never had a grade "C" before. She almost always scored "A"s and never got anything worse than a "B".
"But I could improve that grade I had more practice?" She always wanted to be the best and she would love to please her husband with a grade "A" performance when the time came.
"Yes, I'm sure you could improve with practice, if you could find a teacher and a classroom."
He left it at that until she was fully dressed.
"Remember to keep that uniform smart Blanchard. There might be a snap inspection next Tuesday. You wouldn't want to get in trouble and end up back here, with me again would you?"