Banging cutie Katys all love holes

Humankind discovers a new kind of productive work trance. The side effects come after a while.
Katy emerges from her work flow trance and stretches. Another finely drawn design is complete, ten more to go. What a wonderful thing this induced flow is! Before, she would have struggled with this task for two weeks instead of two days.
When induced flow was discovered, no one could understand why humanity had not known about it for thousands of years. Basically, it was just another kind of meditation, the same special breathing, body awareness, focusing and unfocusing, some guiding mantras... just with a slightly different flavor. And it allowed everyone to dive into the controlled productive flow state, fully immerse themselves in the task, and thus complete it many times faster and better. Maybe the ancients just never needed that level of productivity.
Katy had already been practicing induced flow for half a year, as had literally everyone else on the planet. The reward was so great, and there were no pitfalls... Eventually it became automatic, not requiring the full meditation cycle each time, just a few cues to get into the flow.
She decides to reward herself before moving on to the next item. She's already naked (why bother with clothes when she's working from home alone?), so she just spreads her knees, licks her fingers, and starts caressing her clit. She has done it a thousand times before, but... today it feels different. Stronger. Sharper. In every fine, pleasurable detail. The sensations overwhelm her, she feels not only the building excitement, but also the tender folds of her labia under her fingers, and her hard, strong fingers with her labia folds, she smells her juices, she feels every single spark of pleasure running along her nerves... Katy gasps, feeling her muscles contract and relax.
She literally cannot stop, every movement of her fingers and every twitch of her hips adding to the delight. She squeezes her breasts with another hand, adding to the pleasure. And she rubs harder and harder, oblivious to everything, until a powerful orgasm overwhelms her. Her mind goes blank and all she can feel is an endless surge of pleasure.
Katy falls onto her desk, still shaking from orgasmic spasms, panting like a dog in heat. Her throat is sore, she must have screamed her head off. She does not remember. She forces herself out of her blissful daze and looks at the clock. Thirty minutes! It felt like thirty seconds. Never before had she managed to extend her usual five-minute masturbation session by such a factor...
Katy shakes her head and goes to the kitchen to get some water. Her pussy feels pleasantly sore. What has happened to her? She has never felt so good, never in her life...
She returns to work and makes two more designs before rewarding herself again. And again it is just as fantastic, even better, longer, stronger and more immersive.
Katy finishes her day's quota by evening and collapses on the bed without dinner, exhausted by orgasms. But happy. Oh, so very happy...
Sam comes home from work and, as usual, hugs his wife Jane from behind and kisses her softly on the neck. She purrs, feeling sweet goosebumps on her skin and the first butterflies in her stomach. And then... luckily she manages to turn off the stove, otherwise the dinner would have burned to a crisp... because they are both overwhelmed by new sensations. They kiss as passionately as on their first dates, no, more passionately. They run their hands over each other's bodies, unable to satisfy their hunger for touch. Her nipples stand up like needles, aching for further caresses. Sam unbuttons Jane's blouse and bites her nipple, sending a powerful shiver through her body and forcing a joyful moan out of her mouth, and she starts unbuttoning him.
They are completely unaware of their surroundings, completely absorbed in each other, in all touches, smells, tastes, sounds and sights. Each touch increases their excitement, each touch becomes more and more pleasurable and intimate, forcing moans and groans from them. They feverishly undress each other, maybe tearing something, they do not care. He kisses her lips, presses himself against her soft belly, rubs his erect cock against it, and slides his hand between her legs, where everything is already so wet and hot, and she impales herself on his cock, pushing her hips greedily against him, wrapping her legs around his waist, and he pushes deeper and deeper, feeling her squeeze his cock inside her, and she screams in ecstasy, feeling her lover's cock fill her completely, and they move together, every movement giving them pleasure.
And they still feel everything, not just the building pleasure, but every touch, smell and sound in all the details, and she feels his whole hard cock with her vagina, and he feels her whole tender silky vagina with his cock... They have never felt it in such detail before. They are completely lost in the sensations. Their movements increase in intensity, Jane digs her fingernails into Sam's back, leaving long red marks, and he bites her breast, and they come in unison, feeling their bodies convulse with waves of pleasure.
Slowly they come to their senses. It was so powerful, so pleasurable... Clothes are scattered everywhere, they have dropped several boxes from the table to the floor... The clock shows that they've been in this blissful trance for almost an hour. They smile at each other and begin to tidy up the room. And suddenly they realize that their hunger is almost killing them, it is late for dinner. Jane quickly finishes cooking dinner and they eat ravenously.
Nick and Tina look at each other uncertainly. They have the first teenage crush on each other and have hidden behind the corner of the hallway to kiss for the first time in their lives. It is a long break between classes, and they only want to kiss once, maybe twice. There is plenty of time.
They embrace and press their bodies together, panting from the smell of their skin. They touch lips, then tongues. Their hearts are racing and they are already very much aroused... But, sigh, this is not the time and place...
They simply can't force themselves to part. They kiss more and more passionately, pressing their bodies even closer together. Both moan softly. They forget everything around them. Nick pulls Tina's t-shirt over her head and begins to kiss her neck, her collarbone, her small firm breasts... She trembles with excitement, forgets they are in the public hallway and moans louder, pulls down his pants, exposing his big hard cock, and nearly tears her panties off. He enters her and she wraps her leg around his waist. They kiss passionately, drowning out their loud moans. They thrust their hips together, driving each other crazy, increasing their pleasure. They are already so close to the climax, so close, and they accelerate again, approaching it... They feel each other for the first time, and they feel it so strongly, so clearly, in so many details...
Their classmates and other schoolmates crowd around them, staring and laughing at first, but the sight and sound of the couple making passionate love is contagious. They start to feel aroused by it, and once aroused, they can't stop it either, throwing themselves into the nearest embrace, not caring who is whose crush, not caring about age and often about gender either... Spontaneous orgy engulfs the whole school in a matter of minutes.
Teachers try to restore discipline, but they also get involved. The school is filled with delightful moans, screams, the smell of cum and girls' juices. Teenagers - and teachers - fuck everywhere, on tables, chairs, desks, in corners and on shelves. No one remembers anything else or tries to understand what happened. All thoughts are occupied by the partner and the pleasure.
They come to their senses in an hour, look at each other shyly, give each other last caring kisses, try to find their clothes, feel so close and intimate to everyone around them... They've skipped a class, but maybe this lesson was more important.
Tomorrow the whole world is abuzz with news. Almost everyone has been involved in some kind of sexual activity, sometimes just a little better than usual, sometimes in a completely new and embarrassing but no less enjoyable way.
Scientists immediately start research, doctors - studies and experiments. Before long, the phenomenon is linked to the induced flow meditations. In fact, this sexual fever was exactly the same immersive flow, only focused on arousal and sex... and, unlike the work flow, totally out of control.
After analyzing the data, the scientists concluded that induced flow meditation not only made people naturally suited to the flow state, but also made them more sensitive to physical stimuli, so pleasure centers grew and developed... Basically, human sexuality has reached its maximum possible level. And, the scientists suggested, all other kinds of pleasure would soon follow, from bodily pleasures to anything else that brings pleasure to humans.
It seemed that humanity occasionally managed to bring heaven down to earth. But... was it really so easy and harmless?..
Life goes on quietly and smoothly. Everyone is happy with their lives, everything is just great. People have learned not to start kissing and touching in public or when they have urgent work to do, and, when it happens anyway, to relax and enjoy it to the last grain. The background music, intense perfumes, tasty food smells and other things are banned from work areas, but they give so much pleasure to everyone in their free time!
And they have plenty of free time now, as everyone has mastered induced flow perfectly and uses it constantly during work or study, and often in their free time too. Productivity rises sharply. New technologies and discoveries emerge on almost every day, the quality of life rises sharply.
That all looks just too good to be true.
A few months later, they noticed the new side effects. Things like people falling in love instantly, artworks starting to cause powerful aesthetic and sensual arousal, and so on, were expected. People were losing all sense of decency and morality, being drawn into the pleasure trance, but that was also obvious, and almost everyone happily shook off this obsolete morality chains. A number of unplanned pregnancies could be handled. Psychopathologies were also amplified. Fortunately, however, they were no more widespread among the population than before.
The next thing was completely unexpected. Sensory and tactile sensitivity, sensitivity to other people's emotions, intelligence, and empathy greatly increased, allowing a single person to accurately and clearly sense all the physical sensations of another person with whom they were having sex and those they desired. This empathy then spread to all people in the vicinity, regardless of their intimacy. There were occasional reports of some simple cases of telepathy. Humanity was slowly becoming a kind of proto-hive.
Another thing was that as people spent more and more time in one type of flow or another, they gradually gave up on rational planning. They just did what felt right, by intuition. People did not get dumber, and they did not forget things, so civilization continued. But now it ran as if by itself, still done by the people and through the people, but no longer by their plans and desires.
The rural community (a year ago it was called a village) consisted of several dozen people. They still worked in the fields, took care of the animals, repaired and ordered machines, packed and sold the products, everything as before.
But now they almost never spoke aloud, they felt each other's thoughts and emotions directly. They still sang because they liked music, but they no longer needed to communicate by voice. They lived naked because the climate allowed it, and they slept together in one large building because it gave them a sense of comfort and closeness. They still had names, but they mostly used mental-emotional gestalts to address each other.
Tim woke up next to Kira. They kissed, and soon that turned into passionate sex, which turned into the whole dorm orgy, as usual. Then they had breakfast and went to work in the field, enjoying the feeling of the sun and the wind on their skin, the ground under their feet, the smell of the vegetation and everything else. They worked until lunch, communicating intensely but not exchanging a word, having sex a few times. After lunch they continued their work. They did not think what to do, not once.
Everything was decided automatically, without thought or words. Tim always knew exactly what tool to take, what seed to use, and what to do. Kira knew where to go and what to do, how to act. Everyone knew what to do. If someone made a mistake, the others immediately felt it and helped, sharing ideas and feelings.
They went home in the evening. Had dinner. Played music together, sang, danced, then immensed in the orgy. If they were still thinking, they could imagine themselves as a kind of big smart ants or bees, but they were not thinking.
The next morning, Tim woke up next to Nina, and everything repeated about the same, except that today they were taking care of cattle. As for relationshps, they all liked each other, all several dozen of them, and no one was particularly attracted to anyone in particular, so there was no big difference who to pick for today.
Elsewhere on another side of the Earth, a team of archaeologists was deciphering ancient writings in a newly excavated city. Just like the villagers, they were naked and had sex with each other as they pleased, but they talked more because it was part of their function.
"The writings tell... of another land to the north..." Sandra told slowly, sitting on her heels in front of the inscribed wall.
Max and Tony felt a slight tug of arousal as they looked at her perfect figure from behind and quickly turned away before arousal overwhelmed them. Now was the time for work, sex would have to wait.
"Its inhabitants, once they discovered... a way of perfect thinking... and that made them godlike..." Sandra continued.
Max and Tony exchanged looks.
"It sounds awfully familiar," Max said. "In a disturbing way. And what happened to them?"
"Just a moment... the next part must be here..." Sandra blew away the dust and moved the torch. "Right, here. Then they prospered in abundance, happiness and pleasure. Then they stopped thinking because they no longer needed to think."
"And then?" Tony swallowed nervously.
"And then they slowly turned into animals, a kind of smart apes, then dumb apes, then nobody was left. The other tribes moved into the land."
They stood in silence.
"Thousands of years ago, the tribes were so far apart," Max said. "If one of them made a bad choice or had bad luck, only one would die out. But now..."
"But now the whole earth is one land," Sandra stood up and dimmed the light. "And no one will take our place if we turn into stupid monkeys..."
"Maybe raccoons will have another chance to become intelligent. Or bears..." Tony mused.
Then they stopped talking and started having passionate sex as a trio, and it was as delightful as ever.
Katy emerges from her work flow trance and stretches. Another finely drawn design is complete, ten more to go. What a wonderful thing this induced flow is! Before, she would have struggled with this task for two weeks instead of two days.
When induced flow was discovered, no one could understand why humanity had not known about it for thousands of years. Basically, it was just another kind of meditation, the same special breathing, body awareness, focusing and unfocusing, some guiding mantras... just with a slightly different flavor. And it allowed everyone to dive into the controlled productive flow state, fully immerse themselves in the task, and thus complete it many times faster and better. Maybe the ancients just never needed that level of productivity.
Katy had already been practicing induced flow for half a year, as had literally everyone else on the planet. The reward was so great, and there were no pitfalls... Eventually it became automatic, not requiring the full meditation cycle each time, just a few cues to get into the flow.
She decides to reward herself before moving on to the next item. She's already naked (why bother with clothes when she's working from home alone?), so she just spreads her knees, licks her fingers, and starts caressing her clit. She has done it a thousand times before, but... today it feels different. Stronger. Sharper. In every fine, pleasurable detail. The sensations overwhelm her, she feels not only the building excitement, but also the tender folds of her labia under her fingers, and her hard, strong fingers with her labia folds, she smells her juices, she feels every single spark of pleasure running along her nerves... Katy gasps, feeling her muscles contract and relax.
She literally cannot stop, every movement of her fingers and every twitch of her hips adding to the delight. She squeezes her breasts with another hand, adding to the pleasure. And she rubs harder and harder, oblivious to everything, until a powerful orgasm overwhelms her. Her mind goes blank and all she can feel is an endless surge of pleasure.
Katy falls onto her desk, still shaking from orgasmic spasms, panting like a dog in heat. Her throat is sore, she must have screamed her head off. She does not remember. She forces herself out of her blissful daze and looks at the clock. Thirty minutes! It felt like thirty seconds. Never before had she managed to extend her usual five-minute masturbation session by such a factor...
Katy shakes her head and goes to the kitchen to get some water. Her pussy feels pleasantly sore. What has happened to her? She has never felt so good, never in her life...
She returns to work and makes two more designs before rewarding herself again. And again it is just as fantastic, even better, longer, stronger and more immersive.
Katy finishes her day's quota by evening and collapses on the bed without dinner, exhausted by orgasms. But happy. Oh, so very happy...
Sam comes home from work and, as usual, hugs his wife Jane from behind and kisses her softly on the neck. She purrs, feeling sweet goosebumps on her skin and the first butterflies in her stomach. And then... luckily she manages to turn off the stove, otherwise the dinner would have burned to a crisp... because they are both overwhelmed by new sensations. They kiss as passionately as on their first dates, no, more passionately. They run their hands over each other's bodies, unable to satisfy their hunger for touch. Her nipples stand up like needles, aching for further caresses. Sam unbuttons Jane's blouse and bites her nipple, sending a powerful shiver through her body and forcing a joyful moan out of her mouth, and she starts unbuttoning him.
They are completely unaware of their surroundings, completely absorbed in each other, in all touches, smells, tastes, sounds and sights. Each touch increases their excitement, each touch becomes more and more pleasurable and intimate, forcing moans and groans from them. They feverishly undress each other, maybe tearing something, they do not care. He kisses her lips, presses himself against her soft belly, rubs his erect cock against it, and slides his hand between her legs, where everything is already so wet and hot, and she impales herself on his cock, pushing her hips greedily against him, wrapping her legs around his waist, and he pushes deeper and deeper, feeling her squeeze his cock inside her, and she screams in ecstasy, feeling her lover's cock fill her completely, and they move together, every movement giving them pleasure.
And they still feel everything, not just the building pleasure, but every touch, smell and sound in all the details, and she feels his whole hard cock with her vagina, and he feels her whole tender silky vagina with his cock... They have never felt it in such detail before. They are completely lost in the sensations. Their movements increase in intensity, Jane digs her fingernails into Sam's back, leaving long red marks, and he bites her breast, and they come in unison, feeling their bodies convulse with waves of pleasure.
Slowly they come to their senses. It was so powerful, so pleasurable... Clothes are scattered everywhere, they have dropped several boxes from the table to the floor... The clock shows that they've been in this blissful trance for almost an hour. They smile at each other and begin to tidy up the room. And suddenly they realize that their hunger is almost killing them, it is late for dinner. Jane quickly finishes cooking dinner and they eat ravenously.
Nick and Tina look at each other uncertainly. They have the first teenage crush on each other and have hidden behind the corner of the hallway to kiss for the first time in their lives. It is a long break between classes, and they only want to kiss once, maybe twice. There is plenty of time.
They embrace and press their bodies together, panting from the smell of their skin. They touch lips, then tongues. Their hearts are racing and they are already very much aroused... But, sigh, this is not the time and place...
They simply can't force themselves to part. They kiss more and more passionately, pressing their bodies even closer together. Both moan softly. They forget everything around them. Nick pulls Tina's t-shirt over her head and begins to kiss her neck, her collarbone, her small firm breasts... She trembles with excitement, forgets they are in the public hallway and moans louder, pulls down his pants, exposing his big hard cock, and nearly tears her panties off. He enters her and she wraps her leg around his waist. They kiss passionately, drowning out their loud moans. They thrust their hips together, driving each other crazy, increasing their pleasure. They are already so close to the climax, so close, and they accelerate again, approaching it... They feel each other for the first time, and they feel it so strongly, so clearly, in so many details...
Their classmates and other schoolmates crowd around them, staring and laughing at first, but the sight and sound of the couple making passionate love is contagious. They start to feel aroused by it, and once aroused, they can't stop it either, throwing themselves into the nearest embrace, not caring who is whose crush, not caring about age and often about gender either... Spontaneous orgy engulfs the whole school in a matter of minutes.
Teachers try to restore discipline, but they also get involved. The school is filled with delightful moans, screams, the smell of cum and girls' juices. Teenagers - and teachers - fuck everywhere, on tables, chairs, desks, in corners and on shelves. No one remembers anything else or tries to understand what happened. All thoughts are occupied by the partner and the pleasure.
They come to their senses in an hour, look at each other shyly, give each other last caring kisses, try to find their clothes, feel so close and intimate to everyone around them... They've skipped a class, but maybe this lesson was more important.
Tomorrow the whole world is abuzz with news. Almost everyone has been involved in some kind of sexual activity, sometimes just a little better than usual, sometimes in a completely new and embarrassing but no less enjoyable way.
Scientists immediately start research, doctors - studies and experiments. Before long, the phenomenon is linked to the induced flow meditations. In fact, this sexual fever was exactly the same immersive flow, only focused on arousal and sex... and, unlike the work flow, totally out of control.
After analyzing the data, the scientists concluded that induced flow meditation not only made people naturally suited to the flow state, but also made them more sensitive to physical stimuli, so pleasure centers grew and developed... Basically, human sexuality has reached its maximum possible level. And, the scientists suggested, all other kinds of pleasure would soon follow, from bodily pleasures to anything else that brings pleasure to humans.
It seemed that humanity occasionally managed to bring heaven down to earth. But... was it really so easy and harmless?..
Life goes on quietly and smoothly. Everyone is happy with their lives, everything is just great. People have learned not to start kissing and touching in public or when they have urgent work to do, and, when it happens anyway, to relax and enjoy it to the last grain. The background music, intense perfumes, tasty food smells and other things are banned from work areas, but they give so much pleasure to everyone in their free time!
And they have plenty of free time now, as everyone has mastered induced flow perfectly and uses it constantly during work or study, and often in their free time too. Productivity rises sharply. New technologies and discoveries emerge on almost every day, the quality of life rises sharply.
That all looks just too good to be true.
A few months later, they noticed the new side effects. Things like people falling in love instantly, artworks starting to cause powerful aesthetic and sensual arousal, and so on, were expected. People were losing all sense of decency and morality, being drawn into the pleasure trance, but that was also obvious, and almost everyone happily shook off this obsolete morality chains. A number of unplanned pregnancies could be handled. Psychopathologies were also amplified. Fortunately, however, they were no more widespread among the population than before.
The next thing was completely unexpected. Sensory and tactile sensitivity, sensitivity to other people's emotions, intelligence, and empathy greatly increased, allowing a single person to accurately and clearly sense all the physical sensations of another person with whom they were having sex and those they desired. This empathy then spread to all people in the vicinity, regardless of their intimacy. There were occasional reports of some simple cases of telepathy. Humanity was slowly becoming a kind of proto-hive.
Another thing was that as people spent more and more time in one type of flow or another, they gradually gave up on rational planning. They just did what felt right, by intuition. People did not get dumber, and they did not forget things, so civilization continued. But now it ran as if by itself, still done by the people and through the people, but no longer by their plans and desires.
The rural community (a year ago it was called a village) consisted of several dozen people. They still worked in the fields, took care of the animals, repaired and ordered machines, packed and sold the products, everything as before.
But now they almost never spoke aloud, they felt each other's thoughts and emotions directly. They still sang because they liked music, but they no longer needed to communicate by voice. They lived naked because the climate allowed it, and they slept together in one large building because it gave them a sense of comfort and closeness. They still had names, but they mostly used mental-emotional gestalts to address each other.
Tim woke up next to Kira. They kissed, and soon that turned into passionate sex, which turned into the whole dorm orgy, as usual. Then they had breakfast and went to work in the field, enjoying the feeling of the sun and the wind on their skin, the ground under their feet, the smell of the vegetation and everything else. They worked until lunch, communicating intensely but not exchanging a word, having sex a few times. After lunch they continued their work. They did not think what to do, not once.
Everything was decided automatically, without thought or words. Tim always knew exactly what tool to take, what seed to use, and what to do. Kira knew where to go and what to do, how to act. Everyone knew what to do. If someone made a mistake, the others immediately felt it and helped, sharing ideas and feelings.
They went home in the evening. Had dinner. Played music together, sang, danced, then immensed in the orgy. If they were still thinking, they could imagine themselves as a kind of big smart ants or bees, but they were not thinking.
The next morning, Tim woke up next to Nina, and everything repeated about the same, except that today they were taking care of cattle. As for relationshps, they all liked each other, all several dozen of them, and no one was particularly attracted to anyone in particular, so there was no big difference who to pick for today.
Elsewhere on another side of the Earth, a team of archaeologists was deciphering ancient writings in a newly excavated city. Just like the villagers, they were naked and had sex with each other as they pleased, but they talked more because it was part of their function.
"The writings tell... of another land to the north..." Sandra told slowly, sitting on her heels in front of the inscribed wall.
Max and Tony felt a slight tug of arousal as they looked at her perfect figure from behind and quickly turned away before arousal overwhelmed them. Now was the time for work, sex would have to wait.
"Its inhabitants, once they discovered... a way of perfect thinking... and that made them godlike..." Sandra continued.
Max and Tony exchanged looks.
"It sounds awfully familiar," Max said. "In a disturbing way. And what happened to them?"
"Just a moment... the next part must be here..." Sandra blew away the dust and moved the torch. "Right, here. Then they prospered in abundance, happiness and pleasure. Then they stopped thinking because they no longer needed to think."
"And then?" Tony swallowed nervously.
"And then they slowly turned into animals, a kind of smart apes, then dumb apes, then nobody was left. The other tribes moved into the land."
They stood in silence.
"Thousands of years ago, the tribes were so far apart," Max said. "If one of them made a bad choice or had bad luck, only one would die out. But now..."
"But now the whole earth is one land," Sandra stood up and dimmed the light. "And no one will take our place if we turn into stupid monkeys..."
"Maybe raccoons will have another chance to become intelligent. Or bears..." Tony mused.
Then they stopped talking and started having passionate sex as a trio, and it was as delightful as ever.