Cute babe gave a blow Captains big stick

The Captain woke up briefly as he was once again washed. Two pair of hands rinsed his body with warm washcloths and with love. He drifted back to sleep.
He came to for a moment as either Twat or Mounds shifted position, curled up next to him on either side. Sleep reclaimed him.
He woke up, carefully crawled out of his bunk, not disturbing his sleeping crewmates and went to the head, then caught a shower. As he dried himself, his stomach rumbled so ominously he could hear it over the rain outside.
He headed for the galley and proceeded to make sandwiches, salad and a pitcher of iced tea. Piling his provisions on a tray he carried them back to his cabin to awaken his bunkmates and see to their feeding.
"By God's Grace, Cap'n, you're a good man," said Twat, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "I was dreamin' of food an' with me appetite for sex that means I'm starvin' to death."
"Aye," said Mounds, "I seem to remember a dream of floatin' islands of roast beef on a gravy sea. Me thinks I was about to start chewin' a pillow."
"No need for ye to be damagin' my beddin'," said the Captain. "So tuck in afore I have to be gaggin' ye anytime ye be near me bedsheets."
"Might not be a bad thing, Cap'n," said Twat.
"Dependin' on what you'd be gaggin' us with," added Mounds.
"I swear ye daft bitches'll be the death o' me yet," he said. "But lookin' at the two of ye, well, there be worse ways to go, if ye take my meanin'."
The three happy shipmates ate their picnic on the Captain's bunk as Twat filled the Captain in on her and Mounds' plan to give the Second Mate the same treatment as Twat had had.
A shower for the girly types later, it was on.
"Now ye won't be getting' the full effect, bein' as ye know it's comin'," said the Captain as he gently worked the 'mystery' back into her ass. "But we'll do our best to be makin' it a memorable experience for ye anyway."
Mounds would've answered in a somewhat appreciative manner except for her bound state; stretched the length of the bed and beyond, feet to the braced whipping post, hands to the headboard, blindfold on and ball gag in place. But at least she writhed a bit and it looked like she meant she'd appreciate the effort. Or perhaps that was just her enjoying the 'mystery'.
Twat, eager to test a theory she had, brought in a rose and gently scratched the inside of one of Mounds' thighs with a thorn. The bound woman twisted and turned within her restraints, moaning with pleasure.
"Cap'n darlin', it seems that Second Mate Mounds likes just a bit of the pain."
The Captain leaned close to his Second Mate's head and bit her earlobe, gently.
"Moan once if you be likin' a bit o' pain, Mounds, twice if a fair amount, thrice if a goodly amount, four times if ye be likin' rough trade and five if we should keelhaul ye to get ye your jollies."
"Ah, so one moan it is... well, that be good to know."
Taking the rose from Twat, he slowly and gently dragged it down Mounds' back, watching her twitch.
Then he and his luscious First Mate loaded the hookah and proceeded to smoke a bowl, making sure to blow plenty at the face of the restrained Mounds.
Twat began to lightly scratch Mounds with her nails, all over her body, taking special care to note what spots got the most reaction while the Captain sucked and licked at her toes.
"Ye see Twat," he said, in-between bouts of molesting his Second Mate's feet, "something tells me, almost like a message in a bottle from another life mayhap, that this saucy bitch be havin' very sensitive feet. It's almost like I was rubbin' 'em once, in another time and place, and she had the most amazin' response. Seemed to get her all hot an' bothered."
Mounds squirmed and seemed to be agitated.
The Captain returned to his task, sucking her toes into his mouth as he ran his tongue around them, rubbing on the soles as he licked and kissed the tops and the ankles, always returning to her toes.
The Second Mate seemed to have a fever, she was shaking so.
"Alright Twat, time to let her stew a bit."
And with that they turned her onto her back. First Mate Twat, facing the head of the bunk, positioned herself on all fours, with her juicy-sweet directly over Mounds' blindfold. Then the Captain pulled the blindfold out of position just a slit so that the helpless victim could see, and slid his cock into Twat directly over her face. They were so close to her that on occasion the bottom of his ball sack brushed the tip of her nose as Mounds' two malicious bunkmates began to fuck just inches above her, the sights and sounds and smells so close and yet so far away. The frantic whimpering began deep in Mounds, down near her cunt, and made its way up, gathering strength the whole way. She lay beneath the lovers, quivering like a leaf in a stiff offshore breeze and making a sound like a starving beast begging for food.
The Captain continued to slowly fuck his First Mate, pulling almost all the way out on each back stroke, then back in with a soft squishing noise. Minute after minute after minute it continued, a quarter hour passing, slow and languorous, a hedonistic revel, a half hour approaching, lost in every feeling of the act, savoring each stroke as it's own celebration of their love.
"Oh Cap'n sir, don't ye love fuckin' for a captive audience," Twat purred. "Makes the whole thing more sexy like."
Mounds, straining against her bonds, desperate to join in the fun, might have described it differently.
"Me knows what ye mean, Twat," replied the Captain, "it's all I can do to keep from pullin' out of ye and spillin' me seed all over her tits."
"Oh Cap'n darlin', don't be doin' that, let me have it all, don't be wastin' it on that poor dear below us."
That put the Captain over the edge and from below Mounds could clearly see each contraction, each convulsion of his balls as he came into Twat.
The First Mate's own climax was but a second or three behind and then she was grinding her crotch into his, the sexual energy crackling between them like a summer storm at sea, all mere inches above the helpless Second Mates staring eyes.
She would get them for this! She would throw them both, naked and bound, into the prison in Port Royal! She would lash them to the sides of the ship and let the dolphins fuck them! She would sell the two of them out to the French!
Or she'd make sure the Captain found out what this felt like and then she'd come up with some new and exquisite torture for that traitorous bitch, Twat!
The Captain pulled out and dribbled on to Mounds' face. She felt him get off the bunk.
Twat bent down and licked up what had dribbled. She put a hand into her crotch and brought it out, covered with both her and the Captain. She wiped a thin patch of it beneath Mounds' nose.
"Two for one, me darlin', just thought I'd be payin' ye back with some interest."
"I know, me darlin', hell of a turn-on, ain't it now?"
Her blindfold was lowered back into place.
Relaxing the tightness of her stretching, the Captain had enough slack to get between her legs and begin to tease her cunny with his tongue.
A warmth was building in Mounds which could not be denied. The Second Mate was not a weak woman and already she found herself wondering if it were possible for her to break her bonds. Wouldn't that surprise her two depraved companions? But as she struggled she realized it was not to be.
Twat was fastened on to the front of her body like a second skin, straddling her, caressing every inch of her that she touched with any part of her full figure, her mouth nursing at Mounds breast softly, sweetly, like a child recovering from a fright, but combined with the rest of her motion it became the innocence of the child of Satan himself, seducing the mother that bore her.
Tears were streaming from Mounds eyes and her hips had lost all semblance of control from the assault of her lovers upon her body. A moaning sob came from beneath the ball gag and it was this sound that signaled to her two tormentors it was time to begin the final step.
The Captain kept up his teasing of her sopping cunt as Twat put on her rig. When she was ready, he released the ties on her legs and scooted beneath her, turning her to lie face down upon him. He held his dick down with his hand as she rubbed her hairy warmth all over him, trying to find it so that she could sink herself upon it.
When she had calmed and he was no longer in danger of her bending it in half in her frenzy he slid it home and her orgasms began.
Twat removed the 'mystery' from the Second Mate's ass and slathered generous amounts of lubrication on her smallest cock.
"Hold her Cap'n, it's goin' in."
The Captain brought his lower legs up, out and to the sides, over her calves and held her tightly to his chest, whispering in her ear "Alright now, Mounds me love, relax and help this happen".
Twat slowly and with great tenderness and care eased the very tip of the strap-on into her lover's ass. The level of Mounds' whimpering grew louder and Twat froze.
"Moan once for 'stop and pull it out', twice for 'that feels nice, keep going', me darlin'," he told her.
"MMMmmmm... mmmMMmm."
"Two moans, clearly two moans, keep goin' Twat!"
The tiny First Mate continued the push, gradual, slow, an eighth of an inch at a time, stopping often, watching for signs that her lover was in pain or distress. Finally she was all the way in.
"Alright Cap'n my love, first in, first out, take it real slow and easy."
As he pulled out, he could see the muscles of Twat's legs tense as she hunched over the ass in front of her. Pushing back in, he saw her easing out and within three strokes they had found their rhythm, working the Second Mate between them like two children licking the same piece of stick candy.
For her part, Mounds was insensible, her body now only a vessel for her cunny and her ass, her climaxes rippling through her like a pennant flag snapping on a windy day. Back and forth she rocked between the bodies of her lovers as the minutes passed.
As her body grew more tired the cadence of her moans changed and it sounded to the Captain like maybe it was important, so he popped the clasp on her ball gag.
With that the Captain could hold back no longer and his own climax threw his head back into his pillow, mouth open and eyes rolled back as he emptied himself into her.
Twat, seeing this, gently withdrew from Mounds' ass and shucked the harness. Scooting to the end of the bunk she positioned herself and then rolled the Second Mate off the Captain, turning her until she was lying face down in Twat's juicy-sweet. Mounds would not have recognized her own name, but she knew what was in front of her and what to do with it. She latched on to it and nursed on it as the First Mate had nursed upon her breast. Soon Twat was screaming out her orgasm as well.
The Second Mate rolled over, resting her head on Twat's thigh.
"You... were... right... that's... amazing... but... it takes... a lot... of work... to get... there..."
"I agree," panted Twat, "not your everyday meal but every so often, it's a damn fine treat."
"Yeah... treat."
"What next," asked the Captain?
"Your turn," his crewmates said in unison.
Harry and Margo were making out on the couch when the delivery driver with their Chinese food rang the doorbell. Carol slipped on her t-shirt, grabbed the money and went to get the door.
Kelly Culberson delivered Chinese food to help pay for college. She'd seen some strange things, but unlike every piece of bad porn ever written, she'd never had a naked woman, or naked man for that matter, open the door. She'd never been offered sex as a tip, been drug into someone's place and ravished, never been swept off her feet and taken away from the humdrum life of a delivery driver... ok, maybe that last one was a fantasy of hers, not the product of bad porn, but it had still never happened.
The door opened.
"Lotus Hunan, I'm here with your delivery-"
As Carol opened the door she saw before her an attractive black girl, slender build but with moderate-sized breasts, a decent ass, wearing jeans, a blue 'Lotus Hunan' shirt and a Texas A&M baseball cap to keep her long straightened hair out of her face.
It was her heart-shaped face with its full cheeks and green eyes that grabbed Carol's attention.
The door gets opened by a cute little white girl wearing quite obviously nothing but a t-shirt, there's a water pipe out in plain view and the smell of ganja rolls out the door in a faint but perceivable fog.
"-but I don't know if I can let you have this food."
She smiled a large, friendly, "I'm-just-fucking-with-you" smile.
"See, under Article Four, Sub-Paragraph Twelve of the Delivery Driver's Code, I'm not allowed to leave food with people who might be hungry due to their usage of illicit pharmaceuticals as that could make me an accessory after and before the fact."
Carol looked over at Harry, who Kelly couldn't see, with a questioning look.
He smiled and shrugged as if to say "go ahead".
"Oh please, Ms. Delivery Driver," Carol said, "let me have the food."
"I don't know... the DDC says-"
Carol dropped to her knees on the rug before Kelly. She put her hands around Kelly's ankle and slowly began to caress up her leg.
"Please Ms. Driver-"
"Please Ms. Kelly-"
"Just Kelly."
"Please Kelly; I'll do almost anything if you let me have the food." Carol looked up at her as her hands stroked past her knee and headed upwards, licking her lips. "Almost anything."
As she approached Kelly's crotch she felt her tense, so she steered around it and ran her hands up the neutral areas at the sides, then slowly stood, her eyes locked with Kelly's as she kept her body pressed tightly to the surprised young woman's. Her voice dropped to a throaty whisper.
"You can't imagine how-" she stared down to Kelly's breasts "-hungry I am, Kelly. You can't be so mean as to make me go hungry, can you?"
Kelly's eye flickered, ever so slightly, barely perceptibly, to the open door.
Never breaking eye contact, Carol eased over, with Kelly following, and closed the door.
Carol stood on her tip toes and sniffed her victim's neck and ears.
"Mmmm, Kelly," she whispered, "you smell good."
"I smell hot and sweaty, it's a hundred and-"
"Shhhh, you smell good to me. You smell good enough to eat."
And Carol took the front of Kelly's shirt, brought the spellbound driver down to her level and gently bit her on her bottom lip. She ran her tongue along her jaw line up to her ear and said, "Do you want me to eat you, Kelly?"
"I- I want... you to take off... that shirt."
With movements like a belly dancer she brought her arms together and seemingly the shirt shrugged itself off, over her head.
Kelly stared in amazement.
"Anything else, Kelly, or do I get to eat you now?"
"Th-the c-c-collar."
Carol put her arms around Kelly's neck and guided her to a sitting position on the floor. She straddled her, pressing herself close, and then murmured in her ear.
"Sorry Princess, you may be-" she ran her tongue along Kelly's neck "-mmmm, one of the fairest in the land, but that's the 'almost' in 'almost anything'. Think of that collar like Excalibur-" she licked her way down the front of Kelly's shirt, unbuttoning three buttons as she went "-and you're not King Arthur."
"Who i-is Arthur?"
"Him." Carol motioned with her head towards the couch, previously hidden by the open door.
Kelly turned and saw a young white couple, both naked and sitting sprawled, open legged. The guy was handsome enough although nothing to give any movie star or bodybuilder a run for their money and the woman was quite lovely. She was stroking his erect cock and he had his hand in her crotch as they watched, smiling.
"What are they doing over there? Who are-"
"Shhhh, Kelly, you don't have to worry about a thing," Carol said, returning Kelly's attention to her, "they're just watching. You probably never would have noticed them but you asked who Arthur was and I told you. You don't have a thing to worry about from them, Princess; you need to worry about me."
Carol unhooked the front of Kelly's bra and freed her breasts to fall loose. Somehow, while Kelly wasn't watching her shirt had been unbuttoned all the way down, and this little temptress had undone her jeans.
"I, uh, I need to get what you, uh, owe and go."
In a flash Carol was on her knees, money in her hand, eyes still locked with Kelly's.
"Kelly, are you very, very sure-" she licked her lips "-you need to go? I mean, if you have to..."
Kelly found herself on her knees in front of Carol, lifting her face up into a kiss.
"Well, it is a slow afternoon at the restaurant; take me, I'm yours," she murmured into Carol's open mouth.
As the two beauties locked in a kiss and embrace, Margo whispered to Harry, "How the hell does she do that?"
Harry responded, "Don't ask me, maybe it's because no one's ever told her she can't do that."
"I wish I had that kind of power over anyone."
"You do my love, you have it over me."
"I do not."
"Yes you do, go ahead and try."
Margo sat up and faced Harry, capturing his attention with her eyes.
"Harry, if I have that kind of power over you-" she licked his lips and leaned back "-then cum for me."
The hand she had been stroking his dick with felt the eruption rocketing through him. She turned to look and saw the ropes of semen fountain out, falling back to cover her hand and his crotch.
"Told you."
Back on the floor, Kelly was oblivious to everything but Carol, who had her stripped down and was kissing her way back and forth from breast to breast, nipple to nipple.
"So... do you do this... to all your... delivery... drivers?"
Carol stopped, looked up at her. "Oh no, just the ones that look like you do when my eyes are closed."
"What do I look like... with your eyes closed?"
"You're naked-"
"Big surprise there."
"Shhhh, you're naked, your hair is natural, long and braided into hundreds of braids that hang down the back of your head, colored with red clay, you're holding a spear half again as tall as you are, you're adorned with beads of amber and bracelets of gold and tattooed all over your body with exquisite and intricate designs and you're the most regal and beautiful African princess in the world. That's what I see when I close my eyes."
"You know, I could get in a lot of trouble with you," Kelly said, kissing the palms of Carol's hands.
He came to for a moment as either Twat or Mounds shifted position, curled up next to him on either side. Sleep reclaimed him.
He woke up, carefully crawled out of his bunk, not disturbing his sleeping crewmates and went to the head, then caught a shower. As he dried himself, his stomach rumbled so ominously he could hear it over the rain outside.
He headed for the galley and proceeded to make sandwiches, salad and a pitcher of iced tea. Piling his provisions on a tray he carried them back to his cabin to awaken his bunkmates and see to their feeding.
"By God's Grace, Cap'n, you're a good man," said Twat, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "I was dreamin' of food an' with me appetite for sex that means I'm starvin' to death."
"Aye," said Mounds, "I seem to remember a dream of floatin' islands of roast beef on a gravy sea. Me thinks I was about to start chewin' a pillow."
"No need for ye to be damagin' my beddin'," said the Captain. "So tuck in afore I have to be gaggin' ye anytime ye be near me bedsheets."
"Might not be a bad thing, Cap'n," said Twat.
"Dependin' on what you'd be gaggin' us with," added Mounds.
"I swear ye daft bitches'll be the death o' me yet," he said. "But lookin' at the two of ye, well, there be worse ways to go, if ye take my meanin'."
The three happy shipmates ate their picnic on the Captain's bunk as Twat filled the Captain in on her and Mounds' plan to give the Second Mate the same treatment as Twat had had.
A shower for the girly types later, it was on.
"Now ye won't be getting' the full effect, bein' as ye know it's comin'," said the Captain as he gently worked the 'mystery' back into her ass. "But we'll do our best to be makin' it a memorable experience for ye anyway."
Mounds would've answered in a somewhat appreciative manner except for her bound state; stretched the length of the bed and beyond, feet to the braced whipping post, hands to the headboard, blindfold on and ball gag in place. But at least she writhed a bit and it looked like she meant she'd appreciate the effort. Or perhaps that was just her enjoying the 'mystery'.
Twat, eager to test a theory she had, brought in a rose and gently scratched the inside of one of Mounds' thighs with a thorn. The bound woman twisted and turned within her restraints, moaning with pleasure.
"Cap'n darlin', it seems that Second Mate Mounds likes just a bit of the pain."
The Captain leaned close to his Second Mate's head and bit her earlobe, gently.
"Moan once if you be likin' a bit o' pain, Mounds, twice if a fair amount, thrice if a goodly amount, four times if ye be likin' rough trade and five if we should keelhaul ye to get ye your jollies."
"Ah, so one moan it is... well, that be good to know."
Taking the rose from Twat, he slowly and gently dragged it down Mounds' back, watching her twitch.
Then he and his luscious First Mate loaded the hookah and proceeded to smoke a bowl, making sure to blow plenty at the face of the restrained Mounds.
Twat began to lightly scratch Mounds with her nails, all over her body, taking special care to note what spots got the most reaction while the Captain sucked and licked at her toes.
"Ye see Twat," he said, in-between bouts of molesting his Second Mate's feet, "something tells me, almost like a message in a bottle from another life mayhap, that this saucy bitch be havin' very sensitive feet. It's almost like I was rubbin' 'em once, in another time and place, and she had the most amazin' response. Seemed to get her all hot an' bothered."
Mounds squirmed and seemed to be agitated.
The Captain returned to his task, sucking her toes into his mouth as he ran his tongue around them, rubbing on the soles as he licked and kissed the tops and the ankles, always returning to her toes.
The Second Mate seemed to have a fever, she was shaking so.
"Alright Twat, time to let her stew a bit."
And with that they turned her onto her back. First Mate Twat, facing the head of the bunk, positioned herself on all fours, with her juicy-sweet directly over Mounds' blindfold. Then the Captain pulled the blindfold out of position just a slit so that the helpless victim could see, and slid his cock into Twat directly over her face. They were so close to her that on occasion the bottom of his ball sack brushed the tip of her nose as Mounds' two malicious bunkmates began to fuck just inches above her, the sights and sounds and smells so close and yet so far away. The frantic whimpering began deep in Mounds, down near her cunt, and made its way up, gathering strength the whole way. She lay beneath the lovers, quivering like a leaf in a stiff offshore breeze and making a sound like a starving beast begging for food.
The Captain continued to slowly fuck his First Mate, pulling almost all the way out on each back stroke, then back in with a soft squishing noise. Minute after minute after minute it continued, a quarter hour passing, slow and languorous, a hedonistic revel, a half hour approaching, lost in every feeling of the act, savoring each stroke as it's own celebration of their love.
"Oh Cap'n sir, don't ye love fuckin' for a captive audience," Twat purred. "Makes the whole thing more sexy like."
Mounds, straining against her bonds, desperate to join in the fun, might have described it differently.
"Me knows what ye mean, Twat," replied the Captain, "it's all I can do to keep from pullin' out of ye and spillin' me seed all over her tits."
"Oh Cap'n darlin', don't be doin' that, let me have it all, don't be wastin' it on that poor dear below us."
That put the Captain over the edge and from below Mounds could clearly see each contraction, each convulsion of his balls as he came into Twat.
The First Mate's own climax was but a second or three behind and then she was grinding her crotch into his, the sexual energy crackling between them like a summer storm at sea, all mere inches above the helpless Second Mates staring eyes.
She would get them for this! She would throw them both, naked and bound, into the prison in Port Royal! She would lash them to the sides of the ship and let the dolphins fuck them! She would sell the two of them out to the French!
Or she'd make sure the Captain found out what this felt like and then she'd come up with some new and exquisite torture for that traitorous bitch, Twat!
The Captain pulled out and dribbled on to Mounds' face. She felt him get off the bunk.
Twat bent down and licked up what had dribbled. She put a hand into her crotch and brought it out, covered with both her and the Captain. She wiped a thin patch of it beneath Mounds' nose.
"Two for one, me darlin', just thought I'd be payin' ye back with some interest."
"I know, me darlin', hell of a turn-on, ain't it now?"
Her blindfold was lowered back into place.
Relaxing the tightness of her stretching, the Captain had enough slack to get between her legs and begin to tease her cunny with his tongue.
A warmth was building in Mounds which could not be denied. The Second Mate was not a weak woman and already she found herself wondering if it were possible for her to break her bonds. Wouldn't that surprise her two depraved companions? But as she struggled she realized it was not to be.
Twat was fastened on to the front of her body like a second skin, straddling her, caressing every inch of her that she touched with any part of her full figure, her mouth nursing at Mounds breast softly, sweetly, like a child recovering from a fright, but combined with the rest of her motion it became the innocence of the child of Satan himself, seducing the mother that bore her.
Tears were streaming from Mounds eyes and her hips had lost all semblance of control from the assault of her lovers upon her body. A moaning sob came from beneath the ball gag and it was this sound that signaled to her two tormentors it was time to begin the final step.
The Captain kept up his teasing of her sopping cunt as Twat put on her rig. When she was ready, he released the ties on her legs and scooted beneath her, turning her to lie face down upon him. He held his dick down with his hand as she rubbed her hairy warmth all over him, trying to find it so that she could sink herself upon it.
When she had calmed and he was no longer in danger of her bending it in half in her frenzy he slid it home and her orgasms began.
Twat removed the 'mystery' from the Second Mate's ass and slathered generous amounts of lubrication on her smallest cock.
"Hold her Cap'n, it's goin' in."
The Captain brought his lower legs up, out and to the sides, over her calves and held her tightly to his chest, whispering in her ear "Alright now, Mounds me love, relax and help this happen".
Twat slowly and with great tenderness and care eased the very tip of the strap-on into her lover's ass. The level of Mounds' whimpering grew louder and Twat froze.
"Moan once for 'stop and pull it out', twice for 'that feels nice, keep going', me darlin'," he told her.
"MMMmmmm... mmmMMmm."
"Two moans, clearly two moans, keep goin' Twat!"
The tiny First Mate continued the push, gradual, slow, an eighth of an inch at a time, stopping often, watching for signs that her lover was in pain or distress. Finally she was all the way in.
"Alright Cap'n my love, first in, first out, take it real slow and easy."
As he pulled out, he could see the muscles of Twat's legs tense as she hunched over the ass in front of her. Pushing back in, he saw her easing out and within three strokes they had found their rhythm, working the Second Mate between them like two children licking the same piece of stick candy.
For her part, Mounds was insensible, her body now only a vessel for her cunny and her ass, her climaxes rippling through her like a pennant flag snapping on a windy day. Back and forth she rocked between the bodies of her lovers as the minutes passed.
As her body grew more tired the cadence of her moans changed and it sounded to the Captain like maybe it was important, so he popped the clasp on her ball gag.
With that the Captain could hold back no longer and his own climax threw his head back into his pillow, mouth open and eyes rolled back as he emptied himself into her.
Twat, seeing this, gently withdrew from Mounds' ass and shucked the harness. Scooting to the end of the bunk she positioned herself and then rolled the Second Mate off the Captain, turning her until she was lying face down in Twat's juicy-sweet. Mounds would not have recognized her own name, but she knew what was in front of her and what to do with it. She latched on to it and nursed on it as the First Mate had nursed upon her breast. Soon Twat was screaming out her orgasm as well.
The Second Mate rolled over, resting her head on Twat's thigh.
"You... were... right... that's... amazing... but... it takes... a lot... of work... to get... there..."
"I agree," panted Twat, "not your everyday meal but every so often, it's a damn fine treat."
"Yeah... treat."
"What next," asked the Captain?
"Your turn," his crewmates said in unison.
Harry and Margo were making out on the couch when the delivery driver with their Chinese food rang the doorbell. Carol slipped on her t-shirt, grabbed the money and went to get the door.
Kelly Culberson delivered Chinese food to help pay for college. She'd seen some strange things, but unlike every piece of bad porn ever written, she'd never had a naked woman, or naked man for that matter, open the door. She'd never been offered sex as a tip, been drug into someone's place and ravished, never been swept off her feet and taken away from the humdrum life of a delivery driver... ok, maybe that last one was a fantasy of hers, not the product of bad porn, but it had still never happened.
The door opened.
"Lotus Hunan, I'm here with your delivery-"
As Carol opened the door she saw before her an attractive black girl, slender build but with moderate-sized breasts, a decent ass, wearing jeans, a blue 'Lotus Hunan' shirt and a Texas A&M baseball cap to keep her long straightened hair out of her face.
It was her heart-shaped face with its full cheeks and green eyes that grabbed Carol's attention.
The door gets opened by a cute little white girl wearing quite obviously nothing but a t-shirt, there's a water pipe out in plain view and the smell of ganja rolls out the door in a faint but perceivable fog.
"-but I don't know if I can let you have this food."
She smiled a large, friendly, "I'm-just-fucking-with-you" smile.
"See, under Article Four, Sub-Paragraph Twelve of the Delivery Driver's Code, I'm not allowed to leave food with people who might be hungry due to their usage of illicit pharmaceuticals as that could make me an accessory after and before the fact."
Carol looked over at Harry, who Kelly couldn't see, with a questioning look.
He smiled and shrugged as if to say "go ahead".
"Oh please, Ms. Delivery Driver," Carol said, "let me have the food."
"I don't know... the DDC says-"
Carol dropped to her knees on the rug before Kelly. She put her hands around Kelly's ankle and slowly began to caress up her leg.
"Please Ms. Driver-"
"Please Ms. Kelly-"
"Just Kelly."
"Please Kelly; I'll do almost anything if you let me have the food." Carol looked up at her as her hands stroked past her knee and headed upwards, licking her lips. "Almost anything."
As she approached Kelly's crotch she felt her tense, so she steered around it and ran her hands up the neutral areas at the sides, then slowly stood, her eyes locked with Kelly's as she kept her body pressed tightly to the surprised young woman's. Her voice dropped to a throaty whisper.
"You can't imagine how-" she stared down to Kelly's breasts "-hungry I am, Kelly. You can't be so mean as to make me go hungry, can you?"
Kelly's eye flickered, ever so slightly, barely perceptibly, to the open door.
Never breaking eye contact, Carol eased over, with Kelly following, and closed the door.
Carol stood on her tip toes and sniffed her victim's neck and ears.
"Mmmm, Kelly," she whispered, "you smell good."
"I smell hot and sweaty, it's a hundred and-"
"Shhhh, you smell good to me. You smell good enough to eat."
And Carol took the front of Kelly's shirt, brought the spellbound driver down to her level and gently bit her on her bottom lip. She ran her tongue along her jaw line up to her ear and said, "Do you want me to eat you, Kelly?"
"I- I want... you to take off... that shirt."
With movements like a belly dancer she brought her arms together and seemingly the shirt shrugged itself off, over her head.
Kelly stared in amazement.
"Anything else, Kelly, or do I get to eat you now?"
"Th-the c-c-collar."
Carol put her arms around Kelly's neck and guided her to a sitting position on the floor. She straddled her, pressing herself close, and then murmured in her ear.
"Sorry Princess, you may be-" she ran her tongue along Kelly's neck "-mmmm, one of the fairest in the land, but that's the 'almost' in 'almost anything'. Think of that collar like Excalibur-" she licked her way down the front of Kelly's shirt, unbuttoning three buttons as she went "-and you're not King Arthur."
"Who i-is Arthur?"
"Him." Carol motioned with her head towards the couch, previously hidden by the open door.
Kelly turned and saw a young white couple, both naked and sitting sprawled, open legged. The guy was handsome enough although nothing to give any movie star or bodybuilder a run for their money and the woman was quite lovely. She was stroking his erect cock and he had his hand in her crotch as they watched, smiling.
"What are they doing over there? Who are-"
"Shhhh, Kelly, you don't have to worry about a thing," Carol said, returning Kelly's attention to her, "they're just watching. You probably never would have noticed them but you asked who Arthur was and I told you. You don't have a thing to worry about from them, Princess; you need to worry about me."
Carol unhooked the front of Kelly's bra and freed her breasts to fall loose. Somehow, while Kelly wasn't watching her shirt had been unbuttoned all the way down, and this little temptress had undone her jeans.
"I, uh, I need to get what you, uh, owe and go."
In a flash Carol was on her knees, money in her hand, eyes still locked with Kelly's.
"Kelly, are you very, very sure-" she licked her lips "-you need to go? I mean, if you have to..."
Kelly found herself on her knees in front of Carol, lifting her face up into a kiss.
"Well, it is a slow afternoon at the restaurant; take me, I'm yours," she murmured into Carol's open mouth.
As the two beauties locked in a kiss and embrace, Margo whispered to Harry, "How the hell does she do that?"
Harry responded, "Don't ask me, maybe it's because no one's ever told her she can't do that."
"I wish I had that kind of power over anyone."
"You do my love, you have it over me."
"I do not."
"Yes you do, go ahead and try."
Margo sat up and faced Harry, capturing his attention with her eyes.
"Harry, if I have that kind of power over you-" she licked his lips and leaned back "-then cum for me."
The hand she had been stroking his dick with felt the eruption rocketing through him. She turned to look and saw the ropes of semen fountain out, falling back to cover her hand and his crotch.
"Told you."
Back on the floor, Kelly was oblivious to everything but Carol, who had her stripped down and was kissing her way back and forth from breast to breast, nipple to nipple.
"So... do you do this... to all your... delivery... drivers?"
Carol stopped, looked up at her. "Oh no, just the ones that look like you do when my eyes are closed."
"What do I look like... with your eyes closed?"
"You're naked-"
"Big surprise there."
"Shhhh, you're naked, your hair is natural, long and braided into hundreds of braids that hang down the back of your head, colored with red clay, you're holding a spear half again as tall as you are, you're adorned with beads of amber and bracelets of gold and tattooed all over your body with exquisite and intricate designs and you're the most regal and beautiful African princess in the world. That's what I see when I close my eyes."
"You know, I could get in a lot of trouble with you," Kelly said, kissing the palms of Carol's hands.