Cute teen nellie c was enjoying her time

Once I started fucking my 16 year old step daughter sex with my wife changed in so many ways.My wife Robyn had a tight pussy for an adult woman but compared to a 16 year old girl , well there is no comparison.Nellie and I fucked everyday for almost 6 months straight.The only day we dint fuck was the days Robyn was off work.Even when Robyn was off work if we knew we had time Nellie and I would sneak off and fuck.One of our favorite turn ons if we couldn’t fuck was this.
Nellie would wear a short sexy little skirt and a way to lose shirt.She put her hair up in pig tails to look more like a preteen girl due to the size of her large tits and off to the park we go.Oh almost forgot,Nellie has no bra and panties on as well.Once in the park I walk about 30 feet behind Nellie as she picks the spot she wants to sit.As she walks we pass several older men all of them stare at her .The shirt Nellie has on if she bends over there is plenty to see pooping out of the very large tank top.I love her huge nipples when they get hard they stick out so far.Of course Nellie got her nipples hard before she started her walk, she looks so sexy.
Once she finds a spot not on the main trail the show begins.I sit across from Nellie behind a tree out of site.Im there to make sure she is safe and also to watch how many old men stop to watch her.If Nellie raises a foot up on the bench she’s sitting on her 10 year old pussy will be in full view of anyone walking by.What usually gets a few men to stop and discreetly take peeks of Nellie’s hot 16 year body , is her hard nipples and large tits.She knows how to get men to watch her
Once she’s sitting she bends over to adjust her shoe which exposes her breast from every angle.The first man that walked by stopped and started looking up in the trees.As I watched the man I could see his eyes were clearly on Nellie.Nellie is struggling with her shoe,it seems her lace is in a knot and she can’t get it out.”Excuse me Sir, Hey sir can you help me?”The man looks at Nellie and says “What ya need baby girl”.I giggle inside I know what’s about to happen.
“Can you help me get my shoe tied it’s in a knot I can’t get it out?”Nellie’s nipples are still hard and showing threw the thin fabric of the tank top.The tank top is old so the size of her nipples is easily seen under the shirt.My cock is hard just knowing what this man is about to watch.
The man scans the area and knowone is coming towards them.Where Nellie picked to sit she has large bushes behind her and the woods where I’m hiding across the path.”Sure I can help “,the man says.He gets down on one knee, pats his knee and says “Put your foot up here”.As Nellie raises her leg and rest her foot on the man’s knee Nellie’s pussy comes into perfect view.As we drove to the park Nellie sat in the passenger seat and played with her pussy having an orgasm.Now when she raises her leg the man will see and smell her 10 year old pussy.
Soon as her leg raised the man kinda jerked when he sees Nellie’s little pussy,but he didn’t look away.Nellie opened her legs so her pussy would open showing her heart shaped wet pussy lips.The man’s face was shocked but he continued fumbling with Nellie’s laces.Her little skirt is pulled up from her opening her legs Nellie knows what to do now.
As the man fumbles with her shoe Nellie slides a hand down slowly across her breast and stomach.She opens her legs more slides down a little pushing her pussy closer to the strange man.Im guessing the man is maybe 65 years old or older.His hands are shaking he for sure is nervous but he’s not looking away.Nellie humps a little and slides her hand down spreading her pussy open and slides 2 finger inside her 10 year old cunt and says “Do you want to watch me touch myself?”She is so good at this and sounds so sexy.
The man slid back a little looked around quickly in all directions then looked back at Nellie slowly pushing in and out of her little cunt.”Have you ever seen a 10 year old little girl finger fuck herself?”She ask the man.He wiped his face and scanned again,knowone is coming so he kept watching.Slowly Nellie’s finger’s sinks out of sight and she moans leaning her head back as she uses her other hand and pulls out one of breast.”I’m so horny , I want to see your cock,show me ,pleeaaasssss” She moans as she slides down more spreading her legs as wide as she can.Caressing and pinching her nipple she says again”Pleeaaasss , I’ve never seen a man’s cock,pleassssse show meeee”as she begins slamming her finger in and out of her pussy.
I can hear Nellie’s pussy sounds she’s fucking herself so fast and hard.The man is staring at her so hard but he scans the area every 10 seconds or so.Finally the man opens his legs and starts reaching inside one the legs of his lose shorts.He does it, he pulled his hard cock out and is letting Nellie see it.Hes knows she’s only 10 she said her age so this man is into little girls.
Soon as Nellie sees the man’s cock she says “Do you like watching a 10 year old finger fuck herself,I’m about to cum,cum with me pleeeaaasssss cum for me”.Nellie is fucking herself so hard I hear her hand slamming into her wet pussy,she loves doing this.
“UUUUJNNNNNNN AAAAAHBHB YYEEESSSS IIIMMMM. CUUMMMIINNGGGG” Nellie moans out.She was cuming she wasn’t faking.I know the man sees the white milky thick cum seeping out of Nellie’s 10 year pussy.He has to be so horny and wanting to take her.”Aaaaaaahhhhhh my god Fuck me pleeaassseeee fuck me ” Nellie moans.The man frantically looks around , not a sole in sight .”Are you sure , do you really want me to fuck you?” The man ask Nellie.”Yes,yes ,yes cum in me put it in “she begs the man as her orgasm begins to slow.
The man turns looks all around never looking towards where I’m videoing the entire encounter.As he turns his body his hard cock comes into view with Nellie still frantically stabbing her pussy with 2 fingers inside her.Feeling confident he grabs his cock moves in close and pushes his cock inside my 10 year old daughters pussy.
“Oh my god your so tight” he says to Nellie.”Fuck me , fuck me hard ,cum in my little girl pussy”she says again letting him know he’s fucking a child.He pushes in deep then begins thrusting fast and hard.Nellies breast are bouncing so hard she’s moaning enjoying being fucked.
15 good thrust and the man says”Can I cum in you,I’m gonna cum sweety “.Nellie nods her head yes “Yes Yess cum in me fuck yes”.The man slams into hard and starts saying over and over he’s cuming.I quietly sneak up behind them and stand with the camera over top of them.Its perfect his cock is pumping her pussy full of cum.”Oh my god your pussy is tight ” he says again as he pulls out cum still squirting.
I clear my throat ,the man turns sees me hides his cock and moves away.I get down between Nellie’s legs and video her pussy pushing out his cum.Then I turn and say “you just fucked my 10 year old daughter and you shot your cum in her”.He looked like he wanted to run but I convinced him he should stay and talk about fucking my daughter instead of the cops,Yes it’s
going where you think it is,
“Put your dick away and let’s go to our vehicle so we can talk.Nellie wiped her pussy clean of the man’s cum ,tucked her boob’s back in her shirt , thanked the man for fucking her and started walking towards my van.
Once we were in the van I had the man watch the entire video and he knew he was in trouble.”You can clearly hear my daughter say 3 times she’s only 10 years old , and you put your dick inside her and you injected her pussy with your sperm.”The man watched as the view from over top you can clearly see his cock throbbing and squirting cum inside Nellie’s pussy.”So here is what we do now, you go get a today’s bank balance slip of what you have in your account and bring it back to me,you have 20 minutes or I go to the cops”.
The man wasn’t thinking clearly.Any rational person would know the cops would arrest both men because it’s illegal to video a 10 year getting fucked as well,but the man did as he was instructed.
The man comes back gets in the van and hands the slip to me.Wow,jackpot,he has $12,900 in the bank.”Ok ,here is the offer.You go and draw out 3 grand today and 3 grand tomorrow and we will give you the tape of you having sex with her.His face was telling the story he was so worried.You have 40 minutes to get the first payment.He leaves again comes back pays the money and is told come back tomorrow at 11am.But I don’t show up 3 grand was enough I just wanted to let him worry and once we don’t show he knows I have the tape.
After we left with the money Nellie got naked in the back of the van as I was driving laid on the floor and started using the dildo I had got her.”Daddy you better look back here”.I turned and looked seeing her arm slamming the dildo into her pussy about to cum.I pull off the road quick as I can.Pull my cock out stand over Nellie jacking off and cum all over her face as she cums on her toy.This girl loves sex, she loves having a cock in her and how it feels when she’s injected with cum,but she also loves money.Now she has 3 grand for a trip to the mall.The mall is a great place to show her pussy off as well.
My wife don’t usually watch when I fuck Nellie but on one occasion which was her idea she not only watched she was also
getting fucked and enjoying it so much she had back to back orgasms.Here is how this amazing night of fucking started.
Robyn got home normal time 5 in the morning while Nellie and I were fucking.I woke up about 10 minutes before my wife arrived home.Nellie was in my arms , her back to me both of us were still naked from the sex we had before we fail a sleep.Laying there caressing Nellie’s breast of course my cock got hard.So I put Nellie’s leg over my legs , and slid my cock inside of her.She wokeup taking a deep breath and moaned uuunnnnaaaahhhbbb “Yes yes fuck me “.she said as my cock hits her tiny cervix.
The view I’m sure Robyn had when she entered our bedroom was my cock in our daughter enjoying being fucked by her Daddy.Robyn came laid by us and started finger her pussy.It take long and all 3 of us started cuming , I slammed into Nellie ,she screamed out,”I’m fucking cuming Daddy”.Feeling Nellie’s 10 year old pussy squeez my cock and get all squishy inside always makes me cum.Soon as I felt her cum I blasted her pussy full of cum again.
After we all finished Nellie went to shower she had school so off she went.Robyn began telling me how she thinks she wants to fuck a boy Nellie’s age.She said I get all the fun she would like to experience a little boys dick inside of her.So before Nellie got on the school bus wevtalked with her about it.Nellie said she has a guy friend that is always trying to peek down her shirt she can get him to come over.Then once he’s here Nellie and him can be caught doing stuff so we can get him to fuck Robyn.
Robyn is beautiful, sandy brown blonde hair, 34 B cup firm breast, very nice hairless pussy with nice pussy lips I love to suck on.So the plan is Nellie let’s the boy eat her out Robyn walks in catches them in the act.Instead of telling his parents Robyn ask him to let her suck him off , which he will agree to and nothing will be said.
I’ve never molested a boy but I have had a experience with a guy years ago in my semi.Long story if you want it tell me in yhe comments.The people in the story are a Mom an Dad ,their 11 year old daughter and 13 year old son and me.Small hint,I jacked the Dad and Son at the same time playing Dare with them.
My wife told me after we devised our plan she loved watching me fuck Nellie.If your wondering , I’m steril I can’t have kids ,I’ve been steril my entire life.Nellie is my step daughter but I’ve raised her since she was 5.I wish I could tell the story.
Nellie would wear a short sexy little skirt and a way to lose shirt.She put her hair up in pig tails to look more like a preteen girl due to the size of her large tits and off to the park we go.Oh almost forgot,Nellie has no bra and panties on as well.Once in the park I walk about 30 feet behind Nellie as she picks the spot she wants to sit.As she walks we pass several older men all of them stare at her .The shirt Nellie has on if she bends over there is plenty to see pooping out of the very large tank top.I love her huge nipples when they get hard they stick out so far.Of course Nellie got her nipples hard before she started her walk, she looks so sexy.
Once she finds a spot not on the main trail the show begins.I sit across from Nellie behind a tree out of site.Im there to make sure she is safe and also to watch how many old men stop to watch her.If Nellie raises a foot up on the bench she’s sitting on her 10 year old pussy will be in full view of anyone walking by.What usually gets a few men to stop and discreetly take peeks of Nellie’s hot 16 year body , is her hard nipples and large tits.She knows how to get men to watch her
Once she’s sitting she bends over to adjust her shoe which exposes her breast from every angle.The first man that walked by stopped and started looking up in the trees.As I watched the man I could see his eyes were clearly on Nellie.Nellie is struggling with her shoe,it seems her lace is in a knot and she can’t get it out.”Excuse me Sir, Hey sir can you help me?”The man looks at Nellie and says “What ya need baby girl”.I giggle inside I know what’s about to happen.
“Can you help me get my shoe tied it’s in a knot I can’t get it out?”Nellie’s nipples are still hard and showing threw the thin fabric of the tank top.The tank top is old so the size of her nipples is easily seen under the shirt.My cock is hard just knowing what this man is about to watch.
The man scans the area and knowone is coming towards them.Where Nellie picked to sit she has large bushes behind her and the woods where I’m hiding across the path.”Sure I can help “,the man says.He gets down on one knee, pats his knee and says “Put your foot up here”.As Nellie raises her leg and rest her foot on the man’s knee Nellie’s pussy comes into perfect view.As we drove to the park Nellie sat in the passenger seat and played with her pussy having an orgasm.Now when she raises her leg the man will see and smell her 10 year old pussy.
Soon as her leg raised the man kinda jerked when he sees Nellie’s little pussy,but he didn’t look away.Nellie opened her legs so her pussy would open showing her heart shaped wet pussy lips.The man’s face was shocked but he continued fumbling with Nellie’s laces.Her little skirt is pulled up from her opening her legs Nellie knows what to do now.
As the man fumbles with her shoe Nellie slides a hand down slowly across her breast and stomach.She opens her legs more slides down a little pushing her pussy closer to the strange man.Im guessing the man is maybe 65 years old or older.His hands are shaking he for sure is nervous but he’s not looking away.Nellie humps a little and slides her hand down spreading her pussy open and slides 2 finger inside her 10 year old cunt and says “Do you want to watch me touch myself?”She is so good at this and sounds so sexy.
The man slid back a little looked around quickly in all directions then looked back at Nellie slowly pushing in and out of her little cunt.”Have you ever seen a 10 year old little girl finger fuck herself?”She ask the man.He wiped his face and scanned again,knowone is coming so he kept watching.Slowly Nellie’s finger’s sinks out of sight and she moans leaning her head back as she uses her other hand and pulls out one of breast.”I’m so horny , I want to see your cock,show me ,pleeaaasssss” She moans as she slides down more spreading her legs as wide as she can.Caressing and pinching her nipple she says again”Pleeaaasss , I’ve never seen a man’s cock,pleassssse show meeee”as she begins slamming her finger in and out of her pussy.
I can hear Nellie’s pussy sounds she’s fucking herself so fast and hard.The man is staring at her so hard but he scans the area every 10 seconds or so.Finally the man opens his legs and starts reaching inside one the legs of his lose shorts.He does it, he pulled his hard cock out and is letting Nellie see it.Hes knows she’s only 10 she said her age so this man is into little girls.
Soon as Nellie sees the man’s cock she says “Do you like watching a 10 year old finger fuck herself,I’m about to cum,cum with me pleeeaaasssss cum for me”.Nellie is fucking herself so hard I hear her hand slamming into her wet pussy,she loves doing this.
“UUUUJNNNNNNN AAAAAHBHB YYEEESSSS IIIMMMM. CUUMMMIINNGGGG” Nellie moans out.She was cuming she wasn’t faking.I know the man sees the white milky thick cum seeping out of Nellie’s 10 year pussy.He has to be so horny and wanting to take her.”Aaaaaaahhhhhh my god Fuck me pleeaassseeee fuck me ” Nellie moans.The man frantically looks around , not a sole in sight .”Are you sure , do you really want me to fuck you?” The man ask Nellie.”Yes,yes ,yes cum in me put it in “she begs the man as her orgasm begins to slow.
The man turns looks all around never looking towards where I’m videoing the entire encounter.As he turns his body his hard cock comes into view with Nellie still frantically stabbing her pussy with 2 fingers inside her.Feeling confident he grabs his cock moves in close and pushes his cock inside my 10 year old daughters pussy.
“Oh my god your so tight” he says to Nellie.”Fuck me , fuck me hard ,cum in my little girl pussy”she says again letting him know he’s fucking a child.He pushes in deep then begins thrusting fast and hard.Nellies breast are bouncing so hard she’s moaning enjoying being fucked.
15 good thrust and the man says”Can I cum in you,I’m gonna cum sweety “.Nellie nods her head yes “Yes Yess cum in me fuck yes”.The man slams into hard and starts saying over and over he’s cuming.I quietly sneak up behind them and stand with the camera over top of them.Its perfect his cock is pumping her pussy full of cum.”Oh my god your pussy is tight ” he says again as he pulls out cum still squirting.
I clear my throat ,the man turns sees me hides his cock and moves away.I get down between Nellie’s legs and video her pussy pushing out his cum.Then I turn and say “you just fucked my 10 year old daughter and you shot your cum in her”.He looked like he wanted to run but I convinced him he should stay and talk about fucking my daughter instead of the cops,Yes it’s
going where you think it is,
“Put your dick away and let’s go to our vehicle so we can talk.Nellie wiped her pussy clean of the man’s cum ,tucked her boob’s back in her shirt , thanked the man for fucking her and started walking towards my van.
Once we were in the van I had the man watch the entire video and he knew he was in trouble.”You can clearly hear my daughter say 3 times she’s only 10 years old , and you put your dick inside her and you injected her pussy with your sperm.”The man watched as the view from over top you can clearly see his cock throbbing and squirting cum inside Nellie’s pussy.”So here is what we do now, you go get a today’s bank balance slip of what you have in your account and bring it back to me,you have 20 minutes or I go to the cops”.
The man wasn’t thinking clearly.Any rational person would know the cops would arrest both men because it’s illegal to video a 10 year getting fucked as well,but the man did as he was instructed.
The man comes back gets in the van and hands the slip to me.Wow,jackpot,he has $12,900 in the bank.”Ok ,here is the offer.You go and draw out 3 grand today and 3 grand tomorrow and we will give you the tape of you having sex with her.His face was telling the story he was so worried.You have 40 minutes to get the first payment.He leaves again comes back pays the money and is told come back tomorrow at 11am.But I don’t show up 3 grand was enough I just wanted to let him worry and once we don’t show he knows I have the tape.
After we left with the money Nellie got naked in the back of the van as I was driving laid on the floor and started using the dildo I had got her.”Daddy you better look back here”.I turned and looked seeing her arm slamming the dildo into her pussy about to cum.I pull off the road quick as I can.Pull my cock out stand over Nellie jacking off and cum all over her face as she cums on her toy.This girl loves sex, she loves having a cock in her and how it feels when she’s injected with cum,but she also loves money.Now she has 3 grand for a trip to the mall.The mall is a great place to show her pussy off as well.
My wife don’t usually watch when I fuck Nellie but on one occasion which was her idea she not only watched she was also
getting fucked and enjoying it so much she had back to back orgasms.Here is how this amazing night of fucking started.
Robyn got home normal time 5 in the morning while Nellie and I were fucking.I woke up about 10 minutes before my wife arrived home.Nellie was in my arms , her back to me both of us were still naked from the sex we had before we fail a sleep.Laying there caressing Nellie’s breast of course my cock got hard.So I put Nellie’s leg over my legs , and slid my cock inside of her.She wokeup taking a deep breath and moaned uuunnnnaaaahhhbbb “Yes yes fuck me “.she said as my cock hits her tiny cervix.
The view I’m sure Robyn had when she entered our bedroom was my cock in our daughter enjoying being fucked by her Daddy.Robyn came laid by us and started finger her pussy.It take long and all 3 of us started cuming , I slammed into Nellie ,she screamed out,”I’m fucking cuming Daddy”.Feeling Nellie’s 10 year old pussy squeez my cock and get all squishy inside always makes me cum.Soon as I felt her cum I blasted her pussy full of cum again.
After we all finished Nellie went to shower she had school so off she went.Robyn began telling me how she thinks she wants to fuck a boy Nellie’s age.She said I get all the fun she would like to experience a little boys dick inside of her.So before Nellie got on the school bus wevtalked with her about it.Nellie said she has a guy friend that is always trying to peek down her shirt she can get him to come over.Then once he’s here Nellie and him can be caught doing stuff so we can get him to fuck Robyn.
Robyn is beautiful, sandy brown blonde hair, 34 B cup firm breast, very nice hairless pussy with nice pussy lips I love to suck on.So the plan is Nellie let’s the boy eat her out Robyn walks in catches them in the act.Instead of telling his parents Robyn ask him to let her suck him off , which he will agree to and nothing will be said.
I’ve never molested a boy but I have had a experience with a guy years ago in my semi.Long story if you want it tell me in yhe comments.The people in the story are a Mom an Dad ,their 11 year old daughter and 13 year old son and me.Small hint,I jacked the Dad and Son at the same time playing Dare with them.
My wife told me after we devised our plan she loved watching me fuck Nellie.If your wondering , I’m steril I can’t have kids ,I’ve been steril my entire life.Nellie is my step daughter but I’ve raised her since she was 5.I wish I could tell the story.