I became a slut of my boy friends Dad

Because he had a such a big love stick,
Taken from memory and my daily journal I kept on my laptop since I was about 13 or so. Back in high school I was not very promiscuous. I had guys interested but I was more interested in my grades. I was a little too goal oriented. I had sex with a few guys my junior and senior year but my parents were very strict so it was difficult so no lavish sex filled parties for me. My best friend was a few years ahead of me and studying overseas, she came back for a few weeks break from school before heading back to start her Jr year. I was starting college a few hours away from home the following week. I had met her Dad a few times but no more than occasional hi and bye really. This changed on my friends return for college break. As for me, I am a pretty typical teen at 5 ft 5, thin and very athletic. I ran cross country and played soccer in high school. My girlfriends all wanted my ass and I wanted their boobs. Typical.
On my friends first week back we hung out on occasion, I went to her house once to pick her up and ran into her Dad while waiting. A nice hug, small chat about life and off we went. A few of us were invited to a BBQ and a little pool party the following week at her house. At the party we were all breaking off into groups chatting and I was in the group with her dad and another person who happened to be attending a different college but for the same major as me. Now, my friends Dad is a pretty well known guy in our area for same field of work. So the 3 of us talked for a good while, he gave us both some advice to us about some of the classes and areas to focus on. All in all I saw it as a normal party, food, pool, sun and good friends. I picked up on nothing. When we were leaving I was the last one to go and said goodbye to my friend and her Dad then walked me out. A hug and then he grabbed my ass, I was sure of it. It was quick but he grabbed my ass no question. I said nothing and left.
The next week I get a text from his Dad wishing me luck on my college adventures. He said something like “if you need an ear or advice, I am always here, just let me know.” I thanked him and said I might take him up on that and thought nothing of it. I am now near the end of my first semester and I had a question about something he said about a particular class and when I should take it since it can be deferred so I sent him a text. He replied back a few hours later with advice on the class, it turned out to be great advice btw but I thanked him. A few minutes later he sends something like. “If you need anything else to let him know and he said you are a beautiful young woman so watch out for the boys, and to let nothing derail my studies.” I replied a thanks and a smilie face.
Several weeks go by and I kept thinking on and off about him grabbing my ass. Why did he do it other than the obvious, did it really happen? There were several girls there and he only walked me out. Why? We were all fit teen girls with the same body type really so I started thinking it never happened, I was wrong. But a few times I caught myself daydreaming about him, like sexually. He grabbed my ass for a reason, right? I kept asking myself. This is not something I do really, daydream about sex. Certainly never about an older guy and the Dad of my best friend. My sexual experiences were a bit limited and when they did take place it was over pretty fast, I thought it was the norm. Instead of masturbating to my favorite celebrity crush I would think of her Dad. The things he would be able to do and what I could experience were a turn on to me. It was in my head a lot. All this over a second of possible grab ass? I was overthinking this, I had to be.
I found myself turning to porn over these little fantasies I was having on occasion. I have watched maybe 10 minutes of porn in my life prior to this. The acting would make me laugh, I just could not do it. I later learned that no one watches it for the acting in case anyone reading was not aware of this fact, sorry for the spoiler. I would look up teen fucks older man, older guy fucks college girl, college girl fucks best friends dad and so on. I learned a few things doing those searches. One was the acting still sucked, the sex was not over in a minute in porn, also that there was a literal fuck ton of positions I was not aware of and lastly whenever I watched a scene that matched my criteria I could cum in no time if I tried. This could be a problem I remember telling myself. In my journal I wrote. *I keep watching porn before bed and I get wet without even trying. I think about Eric having his way with me. I think about fulfilling his every desire and I cum instantly. What is going on with me. Do I act on this? Did he grab my ass? Do I ask him?*
I did not know where to go with this so I sort of let it go. The next text that came in several weeks later I remember was like a “just checking in text hoping I was well.” I wrote the text and let it sit there unsent for a few classes then said fuck it and finally sent it walking to my dorm. I said Hi there. Just working hard, no boys, I am sticking to porn and a smilie face. That may seem so innocent to some but to me it was kind of a big deal, huge step for me. I dont sext. If I was wrong about what he did was I about to get lectured? Was he going to say something that escalated this. That night I got the reply. “Anything interesting that you watched or just using it for educational purposes only? Also, if you have questions, on either topic, I am here as I have said before”
And now I have my answer I said out loud. I was shaking re-reading the text over and over. I replied a few things, deleted them, tried another, deleted those. I eventually settled on, ‘to be honest a bit of both, I may take you up on the offer(s), good night.’ I sent it, a little relieved. I woke up to “GM, offer always stands, when is the next break? Will you be coming home?” I was turned on, went to shower and off to classes thinking about what I was doing and why. Was I really going to do something if this was as clear as I thought it was? I suddenly missed the old boyfriends who talked a good game but had no game and had no stamina yet, they were probably more my speed. I may be walking into something I was not quite ready for was all I could think.
I replied about the break and that I planned on coming home during that time. We texted back and forth for a few weeks, nothing overtly sexual but it was implied if you read between the lines. I could tell he was serious and interested. I kept wondering why me of all the girls that day. I had adrenaline spikes and shakiness at times thinking about some of the things that crossed my mind. I was heading home soon and while I was excited I was also scared shitless but I am 18, I will figure it out, what better time than now? I get back in town for my 3 week break and for 2 of those weeks my parents will be going on a planned cruise, information that I dont even share with him, just in case. In my head it was my way to have an out and a time to be home, like a curfew, an escape of sorts and it made me feel better knowing this. My parents being out of town also relieved me, if this does progress with him I do not have to make up excuses or be watched by my parents when and where I was going.
The first week back I did not see him we only texted him. The afternoon before my parents left I texted him and said I was back home. He asked if “I wanted to do to dinner, just dinner.” I said sure. We picked the time and place. I met him that night. Driving there I was not nervous but a packed restaurant helped. Once I saw him I felt a bit of nerves but it was a nice dinner. “So, any plans tomorrow?” Not really, not so far. “Want to come to my place, for dinner?” Sure, that sounds nice. I was relieved honestly, face to face I sort of lost my nerve a little but I had another night to prepare? We can use it as educational as well as enjoyment for us both is what I thought. That was the plan. We finished dinner, he walked me to my car and a quick hug. From my journal *Parents leave tomorrow and I am going to Erics for the first time, alone. I am aware of what could happen, I am excited, I am nervous as hell, I think I am ready. I am turned on constantly when I think about him*
Night One
My parents left early that morning. So many things going through my head. The fear of the unknown I suppose. I wanted to have great sex with an experienced man. I was not into being controlled sexually but had somehow become more of a submissive I guess best describes what turned me on the most. It turned me on like nothing else had so far, just thinking about it. If I thought about being submissive with a college guy, the whole “sex act” part of it would be over so quick I would never experience what I wanted. I wanted to please him when it came to sex but nothing freaky. No getting tied up or slapped etc. I headed over to his place, terror best describes now what I felt as I got closer but I was already horny, still not knowing what was going to happen. I arrive, head inside. We have a nice dinner and a nice conversation about my classes, career and so on. He says “I am very attracted to you, I may have not exactly stated so in text but I get the feeling you know this, correct? I said he was correct. “Would this be something you would want to explore?” I told him that I had been thinking about him in that way but that I was nervous. A little bit of banter in between I dont recall then. “So do you want me to take the lead here”, “I get the impression that is what you are looking for.” I only remember saying yes please.
He says “since this is our first time together and I think we both are a little apprehensive I am going to ask you a few questions along the way, forgive me if they flatten the mood a little”. Okay was all I could say. I can hear my heart whooshing in my ears and I am quite nervous. I am turned on by the slowness of it all instead of the usual wham bam done. We head to the couch and sit beside each other. He leans over and kisses me. This is happening is all I remember thinking. My kisses my lips, my neck, lips again then he asks “can I touch you” yes, he pulls me up a bit and lifts my dress and sort of sits me on his lap. I am getting wet already from being kissed? Slowly it progressed to his hand rubbing on top of my panties, then to pulling down my panties very slowly as he keeps kissing me. We stay like this for a while then the panties are off and I feel him rubbing me. He leans back a little and I do as well and my leg is lifted up by his arm, still kissing he is rubbing my clit for a bit and I am now loving this, then he inserts a finger. A bit later “Can I remove your dress”, yes. He lifts my dress up and over the top of me, as I sit forward he releases the bra. He is now licking my breasts and fingering me, then rubs my clit. I have my leg higher wanting him to just do whatever he wants. He kisses me and my breasts then says “can I” yes okay. I have no idea what he asked I just said yes.
He slides down the couch to the floor and is on his knees now spreading my legs. He starts licking me. As he is doing this my brain was on overload, I cannot believe I am actually letting him do this to me. I am feeling things I have never felt. My legs are lifted higher and he is pushing his tongue inside of me and then he opens his mouth wide and sucks while moving his tongue over my clit. I am holding my legs behind my knees and start almost shaking at how good this feels. He is clamping down and doing something with his mouth that makes my legs shake even more. He holds my legs for me and licks and pushes my clit with his tongue and I tell him I think I am going to cum.
I have only ever come by my own hand before. When I cum he never stops, the licking and flicking my clit with his tongue, I am certain I am going to cry out. I cant believe the sounds I am making and I cant sit still I start moving my hips towards him wanting him to make me cum again. I am looking down at him as he keeps licking me for several minutes. He moves my legs sideways and helps me up into doggy style and starts licking me again. All I hear is blood rushing in my ears and him sucking and a lot of mmmmms. He starts fingering me and he comes up a bit and puts two fingers inside me and says something like it is “tight” he goes slow but has them fully inside me, I hear him say I am just going to help relax you so you loosen up a little, then he just presses forward not really moving his fingers but pressing downwards I feel and deep and then he pushing me forward with like force. His fingers are fully inside me as he keeps pushing me forward creating an incredible sensation. It felt like he was trying to lift me up with his one hand. I don’t even have the time to tell him that I am cumming again, I cum. I have never cum two times in my life the same day, probably not even the same week.
He then stands and grabs my hips and and helps me stand, he keeps kissing me and when he sits down I notice he is naked now, when and how he got naked I don’t know. We sit and I am sideways to him, almost face to face but I am turned. While kissing me he asks for my hand then he takes my hand and puts it on his cock and strokes a few times like he is telling me what I should do then he removes his hand. He is very hard and very large. He is saying “yes” and “mmmm”. As he is kissing me he asks me if I have given blowjobs, I answer yes a few times, okay he says. He turns so his back is against the arm of the couch and he scootches me down so I am doggy style on the couch but facing him. He stretches his left leg onto the floor and his right leg is length wise down the couch beside me and pulls me forward a little so I am right next to him and sort of guides me towards his cock. It is every inch of what I expected it may possibly be and thick. I start sucking on him, having a little difficulty and he tells me to “just go slow”. He is moving the hair from my face and touching my face while I am struggling to get more of him in my mouth. I turn a little and suck on the shaft and lick him a little and go back to trying to suck him properly if that is the right term. I am jerking him off and sucking. He is telling me that I am “doing a great job, nice and easy.” I remember thinking I cant get one hand fully around him so I take both my hands and start jacking him off, something I saw in a porn video he just looks and smiles “It feels great”. I remember feeling very awkward but I really did not know what to do. I go back to sucking him listening for what he asks me to do, I do what I am asked. A few minutes later, he tells me to hold on and stands and asks me to get on my knees. I do and he lifts his cock up and has me suck his balls and he lays his cock over my face while I am sucking his balls. He would stroke it a few times then let go and let it fall back onto my face. He put it in my mouth and push a little bit a few times then ask me to suck his balls again. I was enjoying the hell out of this and this was new for me. His moaning sounds and the look he has on his face make me very wet. I am pleasing this man and I loved it.
Shortly afterwards he helped me up. He kissed me. “Any position you want to try for our first time.” I had not thought that far ahead so I just kissed him then said whatever you like the best. He smiled and stared at me then starting kissing me again and playing with my pussy “you are quite the pleaser, I love that”. I said yes and felt foolish. He slid over and opened a little side table and took out this small packet thing and a condom, he opened them up and put on the condom and sat on the couch, he then had me sit on him, straddling him. I saw the other packet was a little foil type package of lube, he took some on his hand and I could feel him rubbing it on his cock which was behind my butt now then he lifted me a little and touched my entrance and smeared lube on me. He lifted my hips a bit and was going to lower me on to him and I remember I said that I was nervous. He stopped “don’t be nervous I am not going to hurt you, lets just go slow”. I kept kissing him while being lowered onto him.
As soon as I felt the tip start to enter me I felt a wonderful sensation followed by a lot of pressure as I kept taking more of him. He would stop and gently push himself up and down while kissing me or my breasts then he would push inside of me a little more. I felt so full, the pressure was amazing. That feeling like I was being stretched was even more incredible. Bit by bit he took his time looking at me as I accepted him inside of me. He would ask if I was okay and if he could go and I said yes. There was a point where I felt he had to be close to being completely inside me. I was wrong, a little bit more and the most indescribable feeling, he was fully inside of me as I was now sitting on him. I could feel my ass cheeks touching his leg area or hips. He just rocked a little back and forth as I got used to this feeling. I am not sure how to describe the sensation I was having. My breathing was shortened and I moaned like a whimper every few seconds as he rocked back and forth. He would have me go up about an inch or two and slowly go back down. I felt like I was being stretched wide open still, still having a lot of pressure.
I started moving more and more as he would kiss me and tell me to go slow. I would pull up and get maybe 4 about inches then would slide back down. The pressure was subsiding but the beautiful feeling of being stretched was still there. He was now lifting me up more from under my butt area and sliding me down a little faster. I did this a few times and when I was nearly taking him all the way out of me then going back all the way down. I was almost leaning back and if he was not holding me I would have likely fell backwards. I could not even think straight. I came with an intensity that almost made me nauseous. He was fully inside me and as I came I was just thrusting back and forth like rocking and it seemed to last twice as long. Oh my god I said out loud. Oh my god. I think I said it a lot. I did not even feel that one coming until it started. I leaned forward and started kissing him and he was moaning saying “you like that, did that feel good” I was almost sucking in his tongue, moaning mmmhmm I wanted to cum again so badly now, I could not wait to feel that again. He started going a bit faster and telling me to let him know if its too much. He is looking at me as I bounced on him. Euphoric would be an understatement. I recall blurting out words as they hit my mind and I did not care. I was way to horny to care.
It felt like several minutes later and now he is much faster and deeper with every motion and the pressure is back and starts to be quite intense but I say nothing. I can tell he is about to cum and then he holds me down, fully inside of me and he starts cumming, he is thrusting up into me like he is trying to get more of his cock inside of me while never releasing his hold and he keeps thrusting. He is pumping his hips rhythmically I can imagine he is filling the condom with each little bump, I can only feel a throbbing sensation inside of me. I am so turned on I did not want it to end, please keep fucking me was all I could think.
He stays inside of me and kisses me. Long, incredible kissing. He lifts me up and off of him and I see his cock and the condom loaded with his cum. A large amount making it hang off the end in a sag. The condom does not even go all the way down his cock is all I remember and how much cum it seemed like to me. We head to his bathroom for a quick clean up and I pee and wipe and I feel my vagina is opened up more than usual. Not a crazy difference but very noticeable. After cleaning up, we dressed and spoke for a bit and talked about our next plans. I told him I needed to run some errands as he walked me to my car. “So, tomorrow night?” I will be here. “I cannot wait”. I cant either. The drive home I was on cloud 9. I kept thinking that I had just gotten really and truly fucked. It was incredible. I had no errands, I went home. Grabbed a quick shower and I noticed I was not as opened up as I was before, back to normal, I smiled and got turned on. From my journal *Had sex with Eric tonight. I came 3 times in less than an hour, he licked me and I rode him. I took his entire cock inside of me. No feeling can beat this I am certain even at 18, I am 100% certain of this as I am as certain of anything. So many things I want to try, so many things this gorgeous man with a beautiful cock can teach me. I want to please his every need, I want to be the one he calls when he needs to cum.*
Will likely be posting more as time permits.
Taken from memory and my daily journal I kept on my laptop since I was about 13 or so. Back in high school I was not very promiscuous. I had guys interested but I was more interested in my grades. I was a little too goal oriented. I had sex with a few guys my junior and senior year but my parents were very strict so it was difficult so no lavish sex filled parties for me. My best friend was a few years ahead of me and studying overseas, she came back for a few weeks break from school before heading back to start her Jr year. I was starting college a few hours away from home the following week. I had met her Dad a few times but no more than occasional hi and bye really. This changed on my friends return for college break. As for me, I am a pretty typical teen at 5 ft 5, thin and very athletic. I ran cross country and played soccer in high school. My girlfriends all wanted my ass and I wanted their boobs. Typical.
On my friends first week back we hung out on occasion, I went to her house once to pick her up and ran into her Dad while waiting. A nice hug, small chat about life and off we went. A few of us were invited to a BBQ and a little pool party the following week at her house. At the party we were all breaking off into groups chatting and I was in the group with her dad and another person who happened to be attending a different college but for the same major as me. Now, my friends Dad is a pretty well known guy in our area for same field of work. So the 3 of us talked for a good while, he gave us both some advice to us about some of the classes and areas to focus on. All in all I saw it as a normal party, food, pool, sun and good friends. I picked up on nothing. When we were leaving I was the last one to go and said goodbye to my friend and her Dad then walked me out. A hug and then he grabbed my ass, I was sure of it. It was quick but he grabbed my ass no question. I said nothing and left.
The next week I get a text from his Dad wishing me luck on my college adventures. He said something like “if you need an ear or advice, I am always here, just let me know.” I thanked him and said I might take him up on that and thought nothing of it. I am now near the end of my first semester and I had a question about something he said about a particular class and when I should take it since it can be deferred so I sent him a text. He replied back a few hours later with advice on the class, it turned out to be great advice btw but I thanked him. A few minutes later he sends something like. “If you need anything else to let him know and he said you are a beautiful young woman so watch out for the boys, and to let nothing derail my studies.” I replied a thanks and a smilie face.
Several weeks go by and I kept thinking on and off about him grabbing my ass. Why did he do it other than the obvious, did it really happen? There were several girls there and he only walked me out. Why? We were all fit teen girls with the same body type really so I started thinking it never happened, I was wrong. But a few times I caught myself daydreaming about him, like sexually. He grabbed my ass for a reason, right? I kept asking myself. This is not something I do really, daydream about sex. Certainly never about an older guy and the Dad of my best friend. My sexual experiences were a bit limited and when they did take place it was over pretty fast, I thought it was the norm. Instead of masturbating to my favorite celebrity crush I would think of her Dad. The things he would be able to do and what I could experience were a turn on to me. It was in my head a lot. All this over a second of possible grab ass? I was overthinking this, I had to be.
I found myself turning to porn over these little fantasies I was having on occasion. I have watched maybe 10 minutes of porn in my life prior to this. The acting would make me laugh, I just could not do it. I later learned that no one watches it for the acting in case anyone reading was not aware of this fact, sorry for the spoiler. I would look up teen fucks older man, older guy fucks college girl, college girl fucks best friends dad and so on. I learned a few things doing those searches. One was the acting still sucked, the sex was not over in a minute in porn, also that there was a literal fuck ton of positions I was not aware of and lastly whenever I watched a scene that matched my criteria I could cum in no time if I tried. This could be a problem I remember telling myself. In my journal I wrote. *I keep watching porn before bed and I get wet without even trying. I think about Eric having his way with me. I think about fulfilling his every desire and I cum instantly. What is going on with me. Do I act on this? Did he grab my ass? Do I ask him?*
I did not know where to go with this so I sort of let it go. The next text that came in several weeks later I remember was like a “just checking in text hoping I was well.” I wrote the text and let it sit there unsent for a few classes then said fuck it and finally sent it walking to my dorm. I said Hi there. Just working hard, no boys, I am sticking to porn and a smilie face. That may seem so innocent to some but to me it was kind of a big deal, huge step for me. I dont sext. If I was wrong about what he did was I about to get lectured? Was he going to say something that escalated this. That night I got the reply. “Anything interesting that you watched or just using it for educational purposes only? Also, if you have questions, on either topic, I am here as I have said before”
And now I have my answer I said out loud. I was shaking re-reading the text over and over. I replied a few things, deleted them, tried another, deleted those. I eventually settled on, ‘to be honest a bit of both, I may take you up on the offer(s), good night.’ I sent it, a little relieved. I woke up to “GM, offer always stands, when is the next break? Will you be coming home?” I was turned on, went to shower and off to classes thinking about what I was doing and why. Was I really going to do something if this was as clear as I thought it was? I suddenly missed the old boyfriends who talked a good game but had no game and had no stamina yet, they were probably more my speed. I may be walking into something I was not quite ready for was all I could think.
I replied about the break and that I planned on coming home during that time. We texted back and forth for a few weeks, nothing overtly sexual but it was implied if you read between the lines. I could tell he was serious and interested. I kept wondering why me of all the girls that day. I had adrenaline spikes and shakiness at times thinking about some of the things that crossed my mind. I was heading home soon and while I was excited I was also scared shitless but I am 18, I will figure it out, what better time than now? I get back in town for my 3 week break and for 2 of those weeks my parents will be going on a planned cruise, information that I dont even share with him, just in case. In my head it was my way to have an out and a time to be home, like a curfew, an escape of sorts and it made me feel better knowing this. My parents being out of town also relieved me, if this does progress with him I do not have to make up excuses or be watched by my parents when and where I was going.
The first week back I did not see him we only texted him. The afternoon before my parents left I texted him and said I was back home. He asked if “I wanted to do to dinner, just dinner.” I said sure. We picked the time and place. I met him that night. Driving there I was not nervous but a packed restaurant helped. Once I saw him I felt a bit of nerves but it was a nice dinner. “So, any plans tomorrow?” Not really, not so far. “Want to come to my place, for dinner?” Sure, that sounds nice. I was relieved honestly, face to face I sort of lost my nerve a little but I had another night to prepare? We can use it as educational as well as enjoyment for us both is what I thought. That was the plan. We finished dinner, he walked me to my car and a quick hug. From my journal *Parents leave tomorrow and I am going to Erics for the first time, alone. I am aware of what could happen, I am excited, I am nervous as hell, I think I am ready. I am turned on constantly when I think about him*
Night One
My parents left early that morning. So many things going through my head. The fear of the unknown I suppose. I wanted to have great sex with an experienced man. I was not into being controlled sexually but had somehow become more of a submissive I guess best describes what turned me on the most. It turned me on like nothing else had so far, just thinking about it. If I thought about being submissive with a college guy, the whole “sex act” part of it would be over so quick I would never experience what I wanted. I wanted to please him when it came to sex but nothing freaky. No getting tied up or slapped etc. I headed over to his place, terror best describes now what I felt as I got closer but I was already horny, still not knowing what was going to happen. I arrive, head inside. We have a nice dinner and a nice conversation about my classes, career and so on. He says “I am very attracted to you, I may have not exactly stated so in text but I get the feeling you know this, correct? I said he was correct. “Would this be something you would want to explore?” I told him that I had been thinking about him in that way but that I was nervous. A little bit of banter in between I dont recall then. “So do you want me to take the lead here”, “I get the impression that is what you are looking for.” I only remember saying yes please.
He says “since this is our first time together and I think we both are a little apprehensive I am going to ask you a few questions along the way, forgive me if they flatten the mood a little”. Okay was all I could say. I can hear my heart whooshing in my ears and I am quite nervous. I am turned on by the slowness of it all instead of the usual wham bam done. We head to the couch and sit beside each other. He leans over and kisses me. This is happening is all I remember thinking. My kisses my lips, my neck, lips again then he asks “can I touch you” yes, he pulls me up a bit and lifts my dress and sort of sits me on his lap. I am getting wet already from being kissed? Slowly it progressed to his hand rubbing on top of my panties, then to pulling down my panties very slowly as he keeps kissing me. We stay like this for a while then the panties are off and I feel him rubbing me. He leans back a little and I do as well and my leg is lifted up by his arm, still kissing he is rubbing my clit for a bit and I am now loving this, then he inserts a finger. A bit later “Can I remove your dress”, yes. He lifts my dress up and over the top of me, as I sit forward he releases the bra. He is now licking my breasts and fingering me, then rubs my clit. I have my leg higher wanting him to just do whatever he wants. He kisses me and my breasts then says “can I” yes okay. I have no idea what he asked I just said yes.
He slides down the couch to the floor and is on his knees now spreading my legs. He starts licking me. As he is doing this my brain was on overload, I cannot believe I am actually letting him do this to me. I am feeling things I have never felt. My legs are lifted higher and he is pushing his tongue inside of me and then he opens his mouth wide and sucks while moving his tongue over my clit. I am holding my legs behind my knees and start almost shaking at how good this feels. He is clamping down and doing something with his mouth that makes my legs shake even more. He holds my legs for me and licks and pushes my clit with his tongue and I tell him I think I am going to cum.
I have only ever come by my own hand before. When I cum he never stops, the licking and flicking my clit with his tongue, I am certain I am going to cry out. I cant believe the sounds I am making and I cant sit still I start moving my hips towards him wanting him to make me cum again. I am looking down at him as he keeps licking me for several minutes. He moves my legs sideways and helps me up into doggy style and starts licking me again. All I hear is blood rushing in my ears and him sucking and a lot of mmmmms. He starts fingering me and he comes up a bit and puts two fingers inside me and says something like it is “tight” he goes slow but has them fully inside me, I hear him say I am just going to help relax you so you loosen up a little, then he just presses forward not really moving his fingers but pressing downwards I feel and deep and then he pushing me forward with like force. His fingers are fully inside me as he keeps pushing me forward creating an incredible sensation. It felt like he was trying to lift me up with his one hand. I don’t even have the time to tell him that I am cumming again, I cum. I have never cum two times in my life the same day, probably not even the same week.
He then stands and grabs my hips and and helps me stand, he keeps kissing me and when he sits down I notice he is naked now, when and how he got naked I don’t know. We sit and I am sideways to him, almost face to face but I am turned. While kissing me he asks for my hand then he takes my hand and puts it on his cock and strokes a few times like he is telling me what I should do then he removes his hand. He is very hard and very large. He is saying “yes” and “mmmm”. As he is kissing me he asks me if I have given blowjobs, I answer yes a few times, okay he says. He turns so his back is against the arm of the couch and he scootches me down so I am doggy style on the couch but facing him. He stretches his left leg onto the floor and his right leg is length wise down the couch beside me and pulls me forward a little so I am right next to him and sort of guides me towards his cock. It is every inch of what I expected it may possibly be and thick. I start sucking on him, having a little difficulty and he tells me to “just go slow”. He is moving the hair from my face and touching my face while I am struggling to get more of him in my mouth. I turn a little and suck on the shaft and lick him a little and go back to trying to suck him properly if that is the right term. I am jerking him off and sucking. He is telling me that I am “doing a great job, nice and easy.” I remember thinking I cant get one hand fully around him so I take both my hands and start jacking him off, something I saw in a porn video he just looks and smiles “It feels great”. I remember feeling very awkward but I really did not know what to do. I go back to sucking him listening for what he asks me to do, I do what I am asked. A few minutes later, he tells me to hold on and stands and asks me to get on my knees. I do and he lifts his cock up and has me suck his balls and he lays his cock over my face while I am sucking his balls. He would stroke it a few times then let go and let it fall back onto my face. He put it in my mouth and push a little bit a few times then ask me to suck his balls again. I was enjoying the hell out of this and this was new for me. His moaning sounds and the look he has on his face make me very wet. I am pleasing this man and I loved it.
Shortly afterwards he helped me up. He kissed me. “Any position you want to try for our first time.” I had not thought that far ahead so I just kissed him then said whatever you like the best. He smiled and stared at me then starting kissing me again and playing with my pussy “you are quite the pleaser, I love that”. I said yes and felt foolish. He slid over and opened a little side table and took out this small packet thing and a condom, he opened them up and put on the condom and sat on the couch, he then had me sit on him, straddling him. I saw the other packet was a little foil type package of lube, he took some on his hand and I could feel him rubbing it on his cock which was behind my butt now then he lifted me a little and touched my entrance and smeared lube on me. He lifted my hips a bit and was going to lower me on to him and I remember I said that I was nervous. He stopped “don’t be nervous I am not going to hurt you, lets just go slow”. I kept kissing him while being lowered onto him.
As soon as I felt the tip start to enter me I felt a wonderful sensation followed by a lot of pressure as I kept taking more of him. He would stop and gently push himself up and down while kissing me or my breasts then he would push inside of me a little more. I felt so full, the pressure was amazing. That feeling like I was being stretched was even more incredible. Bit by bit he took his time looking at me as I accepted him inside of me. He would ask if I was okay and if he could go and I said yes. There was a point where I felt he had to be close to being completely inside me. I was wrong, a little bit more and the most indescribable feeling, he was fully inside of me as I was now sitting on him. I could feel my ass cheeks touching his leg area or hips. He just rocked a little back and forth as I got used to this feeling. I am not sure how to describe the sensation I was having. My breathing was shortened and I moaned like a whimper every few seconds as he rocked back and forth. He would have me go up about an inch or two and slowly go back down. I felt like I was being stretched wide open still, still having a lot of pressure.
I started moving more and more as he would kiss me and tell me to go slow. I would pull up and get maybe 4 about inches then would slide back down. The pressure was subsiding but the beautiful feeling of being stretched was still there. He was now lifting me up more from under my butt area and sliding me down a little faster. I did this a few times and when I was nearly taking him all the way out of me then going back all the way down. I was almost leaning back and if he was not holding me I would have likely fell backwards. I could not even think straight. I came with an intensity that almost made me nauseous. He was fully inside me and as I came I was just thrusting back and forth like rocking and it seemed to last twice as long. Oh my god I said out loud. Oh my god. I think I said it a lot. I did not even feel that one coming until it started. I leaned forward and started kissing him and he was moaning saying “you like that, did that feel good” I was almost sucking in his tongue, moaning mmmhmm I wanted to cum again so badly now, I could not wait to feel that again. He started going a bit faster and telling me to let him know if its too much. He is looking at me as I bounced on him. Euphoric would be an understatement. I recall blurting out words as they hit my mind and I did not care. I was way to horny to care.
It felt like several minutes later and now he is much faster and deeper with every motion and the pressure is back and starts to be quite intense but I say nothing. I can tell he is about to cum and then he holds me down, fully inside of me and he starts cumming, he is thrusting up into me like he is trying to get more of his cock inside of me while never releasing his hold and he keeps thrusting. He is pumping his hips rhythmically I can imagine he is filling the condom with each little bump, I can only feel a throbbing sensation inside of me. I am so turned on I did not want it to end, please keep fucking me was all I could think.
He stays inside of me and kisses me. Long, incredible kissing. He lifts me up and off of him and I see his cock and the condom loaded with his cum. A large amount making it hang off the end in a sag. The condom does not even go all the way down his cock is all I remember and how much cum it seemed like to me. We head to his bathroom for a quick clean up and I pee and wipe and I feel my vagina is opened up more than usual. Not a crazy difference but very noticeable. After cleaning up, we dressed and spoke for a bit and talked about our next plans. I told him I needed to run some errands as he walked me to my car. “So, tomorrow night?” I will be here. “I cannot wait”. I cant either. The drive home I was on cloud 9. I kept thinking that I had just gotten really and truly fucked. It was incredible. I had no errands, I went home. Grabbed a quick shower and I noticed I was not as opened up as I was before, back to normal, I smiled and got turned on. From my journal *Had sex with Eric tonight. I came 3 times in less than an hour, he licked me and I rode him. I took his entire cock inside of me. No feeling can beat this I am certain even at 18, I am 100% certain of this as I am as certain of anything. So many things I want to try, so many things this gorgeous man with a beautiful cock can teach me. I want to please his every need, I want to be the one he calls when he needs to cum.*
Will likely be posting more as time permits.